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    Prometheus #3442
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    High Elf

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  1. Prometheus


    Aspirations “Sharps Swords do not sway the tides in the Game of War as much as a sharp mind…” Perched atop her tree, nothing gives the young elf more pleasure than watching men swing their blades, cutting each other to ribbons. From one pyrrhic victory to the next, she watches as the small gentry attempt vainly to seize power from one another. Although she has never been part of any kind of structured military, Cirith does admire the cunning and logistics of organized warfare, especially in comparison to the guerilla banditry of petty lords. Her greatest ambition would be to serve as an army’s strategist or logistician were it not for her utter unwillingness to bend the knee to anyone. One day, perhaps she will find a worthy leader to follow… Personality “Language is beautiful tool, every word you pluck from the air is magical vibration capable of creating or destroying everything around you.” In the inner erudite circles Cirith swims in, one can never be sure what exactly she means by her numerous inferences. Cryptically communicating her words is her greatest instrument in leaving her intent up to guesswork to those who know her. The moral compass governing her choices is certainly flexible, her one true north being that children should never be put in harm’s way. Her students often muse that they are the only ones who truly know the “real Cirith”, though even that is unmistakably dubious. Background Cirith was once a tutor to young high elves at the Eternal library of Haelun’or where she was paid handsomely by the high elf gentry to verse their children in the classics. However, Cirith took a firm stance against the exclusivity of what she deemed to be universal knowledge and decided to take her learnings to the world, for a fee of course. The road has taken her many places since her self-imposed exile and despite her active effort to avoid the politics that plague the breeds of elves, she has found herself entangled in them. Recently, she has found that there is even profit to be made in such chaotic times, even if it means turning on her own kind.
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