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  1. Ethu


    Ethuál is a human who, against his own desires, was forced to practice intensive combat training ever since a young age by his parents. He was raised in the city of Carolustadt by heartlander parents who practiced their races regular traditions, and thus raised their only child with combat in mind. However, as time went on, Ethuál began to discover a fondness for exploring, along with his agile combat skills. His training led to him becoming decently skilled with shorter swords and daggers, which fit his quick combat style. His grand fondness for exploring had led to him often leaving home for days at a time without his parents’ knowledge, just to explore nearby areas. Soon after he turned 18, he had returned from one particular long venture from the Kingdom of Hanseti only to discover his family had simply vanished. Although he wasn’t too fond of his family himself, he found himself confused and upset. This has led to him living a somewhat nomadic lifestyle, with Ethuál constantly moving from place to place exploring, while searching for his family. He hopes to become stronger in the field of combat, and to soon venture outside of the Empire of Man to satisfy his sense of adventure.
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