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Everything posted by KrisNC

  1. KrisNC


    I was born in Markev, Kingdom of Haense. I lived outside of the city walls in a little farmhouse with my parents and 3 siblings. Times were tough, most of our crops were taken by bandits, so my father and I used to go fishing alot to feed the family. Fishing quickly became my passion. Fishing helped me forget all my worries and troubles back home. I even went fishing alone, because I enjoyed it so much and over time I became really good at it. My father saw the abundance of fish I brought home daily, so he decided we move inside the city walls of Markev. We made good money selling fish. Our family had come to an end when my father died to an unknown disease. The rest of my family left Markev, because they feared the disease my father had died to. I didn’t go with them, I continued with the business. When I had to move to the realm of Arcas, I left my fishing business behind. I want to bring back my business in a new city, around new people and also learn new skills.
  2. KrisNC


    I was born in Haense. I was raised by my father who sadly died when I was 12. I had to start living on my own. I’ve known from the start that my passion were animals. Later on I was raised by wolves, foxes and so on. I was like one of them. But I had to make a living somehow. Luckily I became a vet and revived so many animals, worked with elves. The only race i really despise are orcs. They have robbed from me, killed my animals but little do they know that in the moonlight I strike back.
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