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  1. eaespie


    Background: Arryn was born outside of the city of Gladewynn after her mother fled from Okarn'thilln out of fear for her and Arryn’s life. Her parents were an unfortunate love story, a high elf woman falling in love with a wood elf man. Arryn’s mother knew that her people would hate her above all else for the sin of interbreeding, but she worried that they may also try to exact revenge on her. Her mother and father spent days on end trying to craft a solution, but their love for Arryn made them fearful. They worried that if they were to stay together as a family, a shadow of shame would loom over Arryn for her entire life. Thinking she would be well accepted, they left Arryn outside of Gladewynn with an embroidered blanket wrapped around her. The only clue as to her identity was the name stitched into Arryn’s coverings when she was discovered. Unlike the down-to-earth Wood Elves she grew up around, Arryn is logical and precise, taking an intense liking to math and philosophy. To the irritation of her friends and family, Arryn often finds her thoughts carrying her away from important conversations and tasks. The analytical mind of a High Elf is in constant strife with the expressive heart of a Wood Elf inside Arryn. Arryn is wonderfully kind and generous, but always willing to barter with shopkeepers to get her loved ones the best price possible. Her personality isn't always sunny, especially when the prim-and-proper attitude of a High Elf sneaks into her behaviour. Arryn wants to understand why there seem to be bits of her past that are out of order or missing altogether. She has a strong desire to receive an education but is not interested in the druid magic that those in Gladewynn have tried to teach her. For some reason, the city of Gladewynn does not hold her down like a home would. She feels as though the few roots she has laid in the city are barely enough to keep her from flying away. Arryn would want nothing more than to set out on foot or on horseback to travel for as long as she could manage.
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