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Everything posted by WalrusNinja

  1. WalrusNinja


    Thanks for the feedback, I think I fixed it. I’m not sure if this comment is necessary.
  2. WalrusNinja


    Poldar is a Wood Elf who is an aspiring archer and assassin. Although he has never touched a bow, and the only thing he has going for stealth is his short stature, he hopes to improve at these skills. He had a relatively easy past in a small village. That is until his village was invaded, his parents and siblings killed, and his legs burned. This was about 15 years ago and he has recovered tremendously. After many years of thought, he has decided he would like to get revenge. Since his attack, he has become somewhat of an alcoholic. Although he is insecure about it, Poldar occasionally finds himself unable to do what must be done and kill someone. Poldar is very racist towards high elves and hates most mages. For this reason, he hates the city of Haelun'or and wouldn’t visit it even if they would let him in. While he is not so racist that he would attack a high elf on sight, he would not hesitate to kill one if the need arose. He is incredibly fascinated with halflings and in a way wishes he was one. He has never met a Halfling in all his years and he longs to do so. Poldar even believes in the Halfling religious figure known as the Pumpkin Lord.
  3. WalrusNinja


    Long ago a band of high elves ransacked my village and murdered everyone they could. I was 30 at the time and still a child. In a blind fury, I murdered 5 of the attackers. However, in my act of pure revenge, I unknowingly murdered my own mother. It was after this my father banished me from the family and I have been on the road ever since. I always prefer to talk out a situation before fighting, but if it gets to fighting, the other will die shortly thereafter. I use my skill with sensory illusion and a bow as a combo in order to murder my opponents. I will often use a combo of fake and real animals in order to trick my opponents. While the animals distract, I go in for the kill.
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