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    CyberCrest #2335
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Tyg Jarnhjalm
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  1. TygJarnhjalm


    The Definition has been amended.
  2. TygJarnhjalm


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  3. TygJarnhjalm


    Born in Judi, Tyg was raised to help those in need by his father (a retired soldier). He spent most of his youth in Oyashima while his father was catching up with old friends and selling goods from Judi. While there he witnessed the gap between the rich and those in extreme poverty and how little the merchants did to assist them. Tyg saved the left over food and handed out to people who could not afford their own meals. Over time he saw the people he helped make a name for themselves and slowly there were less and less people who needed assistance. All the while learning about the code of honour and military history from both Judi and Oyashima. Then one night he overheard talk of a land filled with promise and people, he decided it was his calling to find and support the impoverished and oppressed in the lands beyond. With this widened perspective he set his sights on a foreign land called Arcas. The following day he told his intentions to his father, to show support for his noble cause he bestowed upon Tyg: the heirloom set of armour, enough food and coin to get him to the new lands as well as his farther blessing and advice. With his only living relative watching from the pier, the boat Tyg was on sailed to land known as Arcas.
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