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Everything posted by azurih

  1. azurih


    Ocean Voss was born with a loving family in the heart of the Kingdom of Haense. Having water nearby the kingdom, Ocean found herself close in contact with, well, the ocean. Her father would often take her fishing along the coastline, and the two would even sometimes travel great lengths just for a good fishing place. As Ocean began to grow, she realized that the other girls her age were starting to be involved with other hobbies. Cooking and cleaning were amongst the hobbies, which made Ocean infuriated. Having a short temper, Ocean made it her duty to teach these girls that they could think otherwise about all the ladylike chores they were pursuing. However, she failed to reach to them. Ocean, humiliated by the reactions of the crowd she attempted to persuade, began to seclude herself. In result of this, she began to write in an old book that her mother left behind one day before her mother went out for food. Ocean called it her own journal of sorts, and began to vent her feelings in there. She hid this journal under her own bed. One night, after her parents had left her alone, she discovered an intruder in her own home. Once coming in contact with this girl, she discovered that it was a girl her age simply searching for food. The two, both unexpectedly, ended up talking for the rest of the night. This girl and Ocean became best friends quickly. The two introduced one another to their hobbies and vowed that they would not live a life like how the other girls had been told to: in a house, cleaning. The two became forever thankful for their friendship, and still last today.
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