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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Grohiik WolfThorn
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. thatonekj


    Young Grohiik never knew his parents or family he always thought they left him, but a dark twisted history follows his every step. He was taken in shelter by a Old farmer which found him in the ruins of Aegis took him to a forest in the middle of nowhere where he spent most of his young days helping out with farm animals and crops. Until one day he found an abandon temple in the forsaken dark and misterious parts of the woods where he was warned not to go. There he revealed his true nature and past of his family, WolfThorn bloodline is the oldest Necromancer bloodline ever known, and as a youngling he is now embodied with the Curse of the Litch, everyday his skin goes paler and his flesh starts to rot He now sets on an adventure to find a cure for the Curse or die trying..
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