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Posts posted by bobograndman

  1. 1 hour ago, Harold said:

    Love that the Dev team is looking for opinions; thats pretty neato.


    I want to make this very clear below though (on the developer points brought up in your post Aesop.)


    We had mechanical potions; they were removed for a reason. 

    We had raid ladders, they were removed for a reason (in response to grappling hooks.)

    Items with mechanical magic effects (i.e boomsticks) were removed for a reason.

    Lets not rehash that, as I'm genuinely ready to throw old hands.

    We haven't had another nonlinear antagonist that wasn't world ending, as again, its been done before (more than once) and it became a circle jerk for the staff in charge of it, and their friends. 


    Love Harold






    I've been around in the background of the server for a few years now with varying periods of inactivity, and one of the biggest things I noticed when I was a newer player (and now) is how static things can be. New ideas are poopooed by players because they didn't work in the past and they aren't willing to see things have changed and that old ideas can be given another chance in a fresh form. While I wasn't here for their intial implementation, we have a new staff, minecraft is many versions newer, we shouldn't reject something because it hasn't worked in the past. Having these things would add flavour for older players on top of being appealing to the new players which the server desperately needs. Just my 2¢ 

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Briga Irongut


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Golems are constructs shaped from a variety of stone and other minerals, given life by the golem core. They are typically made to resemble a descendant, however the golemancer can exercise a good degree of creativity when choosing their golem's appearance. The size of golems can vary siginificantly, typically depending on the golem's variety. Golems were created and perfected over the years by dwarven kind to be workers and achieve things that dwarves can not do themselves. As such, golems are constructed with a baked in desire to serve a master, known as their Impera. They will follow orders from this Impera, seeking to protect them from harm. If the golem is ordered to do something that would bring severe and/or unnecessary harm to itself, the golem possesses enough self preservation to deny this order. If the golem recieves too many of these orders, or is simply unsatisfied by their Impera, the golem can reject the Impera entirely, wandering off to seek out another to serve. It can not stay in this state of searching for too long however, as it is the fundemental desire of a golem to have a purpose. 


    Golems can have two main "states" that represent their current status or wellbeing. This is a blue state and a red state. 

    • When in a blue state, the golem is functioning normally. It is in control of it's actions and emotions, and nothing is severely damaged. Blue state golems will obey their Impera to the best of their ability, and not seek to do intentional harm to them. 
    • When in a red state, this usually means the golem has malfunctioned due to damage to it's core. This red state can be shown in many ways, all of which are unpredictable and dangerous to those around it. An example of red behavior is the golem purposefully interpreting an order to bring harm, such as being ordered to "protect the impera from being killed by invaders" then killing the impera itself as that technically means they can not be killed by invaders. It is also possible for a red golem to simply go berserk and attack all those around it. 


    The most important part of a golem is it's core. The core acts as the golem's "brain" and contains all memories, thoughts, and consciousness. When moved, the core contains the entire being of the golem inside of it and can then be transplanted into another golem body by a skilled golemancer. This means the body of the golem can be completely destroyed, but as long as the core remains intact, the golem can live on. By itself, the core is conscious and is actively thinking. It can not interact or perceive the world around it however. When installed into a body, the core is typically put in the center of chest or upper body as that is the strongest area of an average golem. This location also allows the core to effectively power the rest of the body and bring life to otherwise inert stone. This core can be damaged and when exposed it will explosively vent anima, being powerful enough to send shrapnel flying in the vicinity.


    Alongside the core, there are a variety of sigils that can augment the senses and abilities of golems. These include things such as sigils allowing for a special kind of communication between golems, or sigils allowing for incredible feats of strength during non combat situations. Some of these can be applied internally, and some externally. Sigils can be damaged or destroyed, causing them to malfunction or outright not function at all. 


    There are several types of cores that determine the golem type. These cores have certain requirements for their bodies and can not be transplanted into an incompatible body, Brutus into Mundus for example. 

    • The most basic core type is the Mundus. The core is about the size of a human heart, using solid quartz. Their bodies can be from 5 to 8ft, and can use up to two auxilary sigils. They have average reflexes and bear the strength equivalent to your average orc.
    • The Servus core are golems built for speed, and are therefore very weak, about the strength of a halfling or a human child. They can not participate in combat, and will rapidly flee the scene if faced with it. These golems can not be played and can only be NPCs used to assist in labour or certain tasks.
    • Soulbound cores are golem cores in which a soul has been violently bound into. This is a tremendously dangerous feat for all golemancers involved as it involves the heretical process of murdering a descendant and forcing their soul into a body of unfeeling stone. As a result the soul is forever tortured, forced into eternal loyalty to the golemancers that bound it to it's stone body. Because of this torture, the soul may experience significant trauma, losing parts of it's personality or memories, and being more inclined to falling into a berserk rage than other golem types.
    • Brutus cores are about the size of a human head, and require a large material investment. These golems are build for strength and toughness, often being from 8 to 12ft in height. They have the strength above that of an Olog, and can lift very heavy loads. This comes at a cost however, as they are extremely slow. Even so, they should not be underestimated as they can build up speed using the momentum of their bodies, and given time become very fast akin to a charging bull. These golems can only have one auxilary sigil.  
    • There are several other golem types, which can not be played and can only be NPCs, or can only be played during certain events. 


    Over time, as golems became more sophisticated by their dwarven creators, they evolved from unfeeling automatons into individual beings with their own wills. This led to a mindset that all golems experience, known as "Built for Eternity". This reflects the idea that golems are simply stone given life, thus experiencing the world and perceiving time in a significantly different way than other creatures. They are slow to change, value knowledge and will remember things for as long as they exist. They do not experience emotions that an average descendant would, things like sorrow, fear, or anger, are not the same for them. Their emotions are on a completely different level, and are not shared by anyone but other golems. Their speaking patterns also reflect this, seeking to use as few words as possible to maximize efficiency. They can however form their own ideas independently, but rarely. This effect is felt more intensely by Brutus golems specifically, and they can be very stubborn and stoic. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    This particular golem is of the Brutus variety and towers above the average decendant at roughly 10-11 feet tall (3-3.5m). It's body is constructed primarily from granite, painstakingly carved into a roughly oval shape, with long, flexible, segmented limbs extending from it.  It's head is comparitively small, with only a bean shaped plate of copper where one would expect a face. Within this copper plate two large holes have been cut, where the golem's gemstone eyes have been set. A traditional mouth can not be seen, instead two small holes are placed in between the eyes where the golem's voice seems to vibrate from. On it's chest a small gemstone is set, with the Hohkmat coat of arms engraved upon it.


    Reference image:





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. [!] A message is posted in settlements across Failor



    Today the builders of the Masjid Qalb al-Waha Complex have decided to open the Rapid Transit System from Christmantown to March of Lecho Raev


    Previously, the system was only open for private use. However, as of now, all who have made their home in Failor may use it free of charge.


    Please exercise cleanliness when using the system! Littering and sacrificial rituals will not be tolerated! 




    -A drawing pointing out Christmantown Station-



    -A drawing pointing out March of Lecho-Raev Station-



    (image insert links weren't working) This is just a tunnel a friend and me carved out between those 2 settlements. We filled it with water so you can take a boat and move from place to place pretty fast, feel free to use 


  4. 8 minutes ago, Salvius said:

    If you want rp don't go into the area where pvp is allowed, there is an entire underground area that you can explore and have demon beach rp. Letting the goons to get their clicks out now is better than them getting their clicks out on you when it actually matters.

    As long as the area has no rules, people are gonna be pvp gremlins. A lot of people wanted to have a freebuild rp area for a week, so having that many people hide underground like earthworms while a few pvpers own the surface (the only place with actual rp options) is just dumb.


    I liked the idea of making the underdark pvp and the surface world gets returned to the rpers. 

  5. [! Near the entrances to the nation hubs, a note is pinned]


    [! A drawing of a worn key, colored pink and blue]


    To the bearer of the other key, I have obtained what you seek. 

    It is in our best interests to work together. 

    I propose a partnership, so we may complete our shared goal and solve this mystery.

    We have already accomplished the hard part, all we must do now is find one another. Contact me.





    (If you currently have the other Easter Event key item, pls either msg me here or on discord bobograndman#3608)


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Feng Yuen


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    When a living creature dies their spirit finds itself somewhere known as the Elysian Wastes. This place acts as a bridge, or "waiting room" for the freshly deceased before they get carried off into the Soul Stream to continue in the afterlife. It is not possible for the dead to interact with the mortal world here, however there are many fates that may befall a spirit. If one has enough willpower, they may stay in the Wastes for whatever reason. If they chose to be taken by the Soul Stream they may be taken to their respective afterlife depending on their race/faith/actions in life etc. 


    However, if someone experiences an great amount of trauma prior to death or simply has enough strength, they will be unable to exist in the afterlife and instead are expelled back to the mortal plane to live as Revenants. Revenants are the first stage of spirits and therefore are limited in what they can do. If the Revenant undergoes a Geistreach they can progress to either a Spectre or a Poltergeist. Regardless of their stage, spirits possess a poor mental state depending on the way they died. Poltergeists are the most violent as they typically are driven by anger and vengence, while Spectres can move on to find some kind of peace. They also can not be killed as second time, as they were not alive in the first place. They can demanifest, but this is not indefinte before being sent back to the Elysian Wastes where they must fully reform before returning back to the mortal realm. 


    Unlike other metals, all phantoms have a weakness to the metal Aurum which can hurt them. Furthermore they have a strong aversion to light and will instead prefer to stay in shadows or move at night, and certain magics (i.e voidal) can also harm them as they would harm the living. This is due to phantoms being made up of a substance called ectoplasm, which can take on various colors or shapes. It is a noncorporeal material, meaning it has limited interactions with the material world.



    These are weak spirits who have only recently returned to the mortal realm and are unaware that they are dead. They are usually confused and unable to grasp what has happened to them. As a result they may attempt to recreate patterns or habits they once performed in life, and become confused or irritated at their inability to do so. They typically appear in gray and are not too different from how they appeared in life.


    -Revenants are able to become invisible when not in view of the living

    -They are noncorporeal, thus needing no food, sleep, and can not be injured in normal ways.

    -They only can interact with the world in a limited fashion, moving small objects or making light sounds.

    -After 3 OOC days they can undergo a Geistreach which allows them to move on an become either a Spectre or Poltergeist.



    These are the most peaceful phantom as they have learned of their death and accepted it to a certain extent, but still can not move on completely. They appear calm and depressive, while also adopting a more calming color scheme such as blues or whites. Their appearance has little to no hints at what killed them.


    -Spectres can become invisible at will, to a more controlled extent than a Revenant

    -They are noncorporeal, thus needing no food, sleep, and can not be injured in normal ways.

    -They have a strong ability to control the world around them but not in the same ways as a living being might. They can shift their ectoplasm to surround an object, manipulating it.

    -They can reshape their forms into animals, usually a peacful creature such as a deer. 

    -Living beings around them can be influenced into feeling more calm or tranquil, sometimes stopping a fight or bringing mental clarity.

    -Possession of objects is possible by Spectres, but bodies (living or otherwise) can not be directly controlled. 

    -A location can be selected by a Spectre as a Sanctuary, removing their ability to leave this location but granting far more control over it



    These are spirits that have become angry and vengeful at their deaths, refusing to accept what has happened to them. They often are driven by these feelings and desire to achieve a specific goal, typically vengeance of some kind. These phantoms are very chaotic, appearing in aggressive colors such as black or red and clearly showing their cause of death. 


    -Poltergeists can become invisible at will, to a more controlled extent than a Revenant

    -They are noncorporeal, thus needing no food, sleep, and can not be injured in normal ways

    -They can strongly influence the world around them but not in the same ways a living being might. They can shift their ectoplasm to surround an object, manipulating it.

    -They can reshape their forms into animals, unlike Spectres however these animals are typically a predator of some kind such as a wolf.

    -Poltergeists can influence living beings around them with negative emotions, such as anger or fear.

    -Instead of objects, Poltergeists can possess corpses or in some cases living beings and control it directly. 

    -A location can be selected by a Poltergeist as a Haunt, removing their ability to leave this location but granting far more control over it




    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Feng Yuen takes the form of a skeletal woman wearing a tattered kimono. Her ethereal form is enveloped by shifting swirls of light gray mist obscuring a clear view of it. There is no clear cause of death, however the smoke will sometimes part around her face, revealing a large section of hollow skull beneath.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Kharajyr are a humanoid race of cats that were the result of hybridization experiments by the Daemon Metzli. This daemon would abduct children and take them to a beautiful island paradise of her own creation, inhabited only by ocelots. Metzli greatly desired sentient life for her island, so through much experimentation with the native ocelots and abducted children, she eventually created the first Kharajyr. Eventually, enough Kha were created to be considered ready to move to the outside world off the island. The Kharajyr built a great and thriving civilization, however through much turmoil that civilization eventually crumbled. With the apparent death of Metzli and the fall of their civilization, the Kharajyr's population has been dwindling, and existing Kha are largely scattered and disconnected across the lands they inhabit. A mere shadow of their rich past.


    As hybrids, Kha share some of the traits of the races they have come from. Some of these are fur across their bodies, retractable claws, elongated snouts with sharp teeth and pronounced ears located on the tops of their heads. They posses traits from elves as well, such as being bipedal and capable of advanced speech. The Kha are made up of four unique subgroups, Kha'Pantera, Kha'Leparda, Kha'Cheetrah, and Kha'Tigrasi. These subgroups resemble their real life counterparts, those being panthers, leopards, cheetahs and tigers respectively. This application is for Kha'Cheetrah, the leanest and most nimble of the sub races.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Nazaam is thin and rather weak looking even compared to typical Cheetrah, a consequence of a childhood spent scavenging the dry desert sands. His fur is thin and occasionally bald in some spots, normally a disadvantage but has become key to Nazaam's survival in such hostile hot environments. Due to the scattered, disorganized nature of the Kha people and culture, Nazaam was raised largely isolated from typical Kha traditions. As a result, his aesthetic choices and physical appearance differ from standard individuals of his race, and he has adopted the clothing and culture of the nearby tribes. He identifies more closely with them than his own people.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             This is my first application for this specific creature


    2 hours ago, FionnTWG said:

    I think it would be great idea if a plugin was added which would display the 5 most active kingdoms at the time of joining.

    This is an interesting idea. When I first joined lotc I just happened to choose an inactive city, and my friend chose an active one. My friend had to convince me to come back to the server and just go to his city, because I had already left. 

    This idea would create the problem of having new players directed to already popular cities which denies inactive ones of new blood, but I feel like having new players at all would be worth it regardless of where they get sent to. Eventually as new players become regulars they can go improve the inactive cities, or the inactive cities should just be removed if nobody wants to be in them.


    Adding on to what @argonian said, CT should also be smaller to condense activity to around where the player would be. Right now it's huge and empty, new players are likely to miss the small amount of rp and activity that currently happens there. CT is unnecessarily large complicated for a new player who would already be confused and have no idea what's going on, it's a bad first impression.

  9. 2 hours ago, Cloakedsphere said:

    I was probably one of the biggest proponents about bringing BACK free build to LotC. It was honestly my baby and of course there will always be land scarring with free build but we saw a great increase in player retention off it.

    Exactly, free build was great for new players, because people typically don't want to be forced into a stagnant prebuilt world. Right now new players are usually forced into a specific way of playing for their foreseeable future, and the only ways to get out of it seem unattainable. When I first joined a couple years ago, one of the few things that kept me on the server at the time was freebuild wildlands, because it was easy to find, fun rp that gave you the ability to create your own unique rp environment. 

    Maybe a player wants to be a hunter living in a secluded woodland cabin, maybe they want to be a roadside tavern owner, these are reasonable characters that players come in expecting to be able to play as, but get rammed into a brick wall of systems. 

  10. MC Name: five_on3

    Character's Name: Burūrōdo Khan

    Character's Age: 120


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hei-Zhu (Hou-Zi)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hei-Zhu:

    The Hei-Zhu subrace is the strongest, burliest, and longest lived of the Hou-Zi subraces. On average, they are 6’5 to 7 feet tall, and can live up to 300 years. The Hei-Zhu closely resemble OOC Silverback gorillas. Their fur is almost always dark. 


    Ancient: Originally, the Hou-Zi were incredibly materialistic, and sought wealth above all else. The rich were on the top of the social hierarchy, and the poor would constantly seek to make their fortune so they may join the rich at the top of society. Noble Hou-Zi commonly flaunted their wealth, bragging to others who had less than them. Additionally, music and sports were major parts of the Ancient Hou-Zi culture. The music they composed was generally quite emotionally felt, and a common pass-time was watching or participating in Gongfu, a type of competitive martial art.

    Modern: After the Ancient Times concluded, the Hou-Zi were forced apart and could not practice the lavish lifestyles they previously had. Hou-Zi families commonly were barely surviving, living in thatched huts and fishing shacks. However, despite these miserable living conditions, the Hou-Zi took comfort in remembering the old days and reminiscing about the wealth and status their people once held. Old weapons or jade trinkets from the Ancient Times are highly prized among Hou-Zi tribes. The original language of the Hou-Zi has been lost. They now speak in broken Common and some words or phrases, native to other races. 


    The hou-zi were a primitive race similar to any common animal found in the wilds today. However, The Daemon Metzli sought to create a mortal race to serve her. Instead of creating a brand new race, she instead granted an already existing bestial race intelligence. The first Hou-zi to be gifted intellegence was Hou-Shen, the Monkey King. He was instructed by Metzli to be the prophet of his people, and to unlock the minds of the other Hou-Zi. However, they were to be always loyal to Metzli, and to obey her will. In return Metzli gifted them with prosperity. In just a few years, the Hou-Zi had already built a solid civilization. 


    After agressive expansion, and brief periods of peace, the Hou-Zi had conquered several territories once belonging to the Elves. But, Hou-Shen became to greedy and wished to take all of Malinor, which would lead to his people’s downfall. Hou-Shen fell in battle, and the Elves reconquered all the land the Hou-Zi had taken from them. The Hou-Zi were forced into their last city, where a primordial god “The Poison” saw his opportunity and crumbled the city, destroying their historic monuments and grand structures, and consequently, the Hou-Zi spirit. 


    This was not the end of the Hou-Zi however, as they endured another great war with the Elves. This time, both sides had evolved and improved. Hou-Shen returned to his people, and the Elf subraces formed an alliance to push back the Hou-Zi, causing all 3 of Hou-Shen’s sons to die in battle. Hou-Shen agreed to make peace with the elves, however the Hou-Zi could never again leave the jungles, or build any cities outside of Jing-Taiyun. 


    The permanent downfall of the Hou-Zi was brought about through a combination of greed, and The Poison. The empire was built on wealth, and now that it did not have access to the vast riches of Axios, the nobility and wealthy families turned on one another to take wealth. These small conflicts were called the “Jade Wars”. Slowly, the primordial god crumbled the palaces of Jing-Taiyun, spreading plagues and sickness across the lands. Hou-Shen could take no more, and wandered into the jungle never to be seen again. Metzli abandoned the failed Hou-Zi entirely, and went on to create the Kharajyr, who would be proper servants. The Hou-Zi never rose to power again. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             First time applying for this creature

  11. MC Name: five_on3

    Character's Name: Sheep Man

    Character's Age: 20


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are a very unintelligent yet extremely strong branch of the Orcish race tree. They are incredibly narrow minded and have a very short attention span, making preform poorly with social interaction. However, they make up for their lack of intellectual strength with physical strength. Ologs can reach up to 10 ft in height, weigh up to 1000 pounds, and are the largest and strongest of the orcish subraces. Because of this, they are often utilized for their brute force and incredible strength, since they are usually unsuccessful for doing anything but the most basic of tasks. But, Ologs do understand leadership and will obey their Rex or higher-ups. In combat, ologs are unmatched in their physical abilities, but they have trouble against agile foes who can dodge their brute force attacks. They prefer to use basic weaponry, such as clubs or maces. There has not been a recorded instance of an Olog successfully using complex weapons, such as a crossbow. Furthermore, Ologs have a layer of fat and a thick hide that acts as a sort of armor, making it difficult to hurt them using blunt weapons. A well aimed stab or crossbow bolt will still penetrate their flesh, however. Ologs lack the intelligence or foresight to plan out any kind of lasting camps or settlements, and are extraordinarily hungry and this will typically lead to them to eat their own shelters. To remedy this issue, Ologs usually belong to an Orcish clan where they can be watched and constantly told what to do.

    Ologs have a very resilient digestive tract allowing them to consume vast quantities of items that normal races would be unable to eat. Ologs have a relativity short life-span on average due to their likelihood of dying in battle, but if they are allowed to live, Olog age can reach up to 500 years (getting to this age is seen as a very disgraceful fate to befall an Olog, and it almost never happens). Like other Orcs, Ologs are descendants of Krug, who was cursed and mutilated after being defeated by Iblees. Because of this curse, Orcs were originally a sickly shade of green, however skin pigmentation has changed over the generations and it can now be a variety of colors. Additionally, Ologs, like their Orcish kin, are cursed with an insatiable appetite for violence, forever seeking war and bloodshed. Their curses and their sheer stupidity make them liable to jump to conclusions and become enraged very easily. This, combined with their incredible aptitude for violence, makes an Olog a dangerous encounter for any non-orc.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:

             Of course


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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