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Everything posted by Swimwave

  1. Swimwave


    My family once lived in the city of Carolstadt, the capital of the Empire of Man. We were neither wealthy nor poor, but lived a humble life as traders for all who wished to engage in business with us. As time passed, my family grew to dislike the increased influx of human immigrants from other villages and settlements and decided that it be best to move to the settlement of Sutica. At this time I was the age of 16, as we prepared to travel to Sutica, certain nobility in Carolustadt having come to rely on our honest and profitable business as a source of pride for the city decided in forbidding us from traveling. My father did not take well to this order and the next night under the cover of darkness he took my mother and I out of the human capital and commenced our travels to Sutica. The Carolustadt nobility did not take kindly to his actions and sent out a squad of assassins to ensure that we never reached Sutica. After a month of traveling, the assassins reached us and slaughtered my mother and father, but amongst them was one lone assassin who in an act of pity ensured my salvation and as the sun rose I saw him run into the sunset where I saw the glimpse of a nonhuman appear for a sec before he disappeared. As I shed my last tears and decided to continue my families legacy as traders. I changed my name in order not to be found out by those who may wish me harm and arrived in Sutica, where I would reside for the next two years where at the age of 18 I had laid down the foundations for my business and the next chapter of my story would commence.
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