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Everything posted by bunit876

  1. bunit876


    Znthersplt, as many goblin’s were, made fun of and abused for his stature. Znthersplt did not posses the strength to directly oppose most who would face him, so he had to dominate them in other ways, fighting dirty, turning friends against one another, and framing his bad deeds on others. One day, a fight broke out when an Uruk discovered that znthersplt was plotting against him. after a decisive few blows, the mocking began of the weekling Znthersplt was. The Uruk held his arms to his side as he asked znthersplt to get a free hit in, a mistake he would not get to make again. Zntherplt pulled a pouch from his belt and tossed it at the Uruk. It bounced off his chest as white sparkly powder puffed out of the pouch. The Uruk chuckled “was that supposed to hurt?” as he wiped the powder from his chest and face. Then Znthersplt’s face lit up with glee as he saw blood start pooling in the Uruks hands chest and face; the pouch was filled with powdered glass. His skin would heal, but the glass he inhaled was cutting up his lungs. “Kills the little runt!” the Uruk growled as he coughed up blood. Zntherplt knew this was his time to make an escape. A long chase, a few shanks and brushes with death later, freedom was earned and time to start life anew. Upon failed attempts to mingle with other races, Znthersplt decided to take control of his fate and start his own town; Or better yet KINGDOM! So his journey continues with the only thing he really knew how to do, dig, and dig far and dig deep. As only once protected by the bowels of the earth could he be safe to pursue his schemes. Znthersplt did not posses the strength to directly oppose most who would face him, so he had to dominate them in other ways, and most of all build a kingdom larger and better than his home town. Strength through his subjects, strength through domination, strength through trickery. These are Znthersplts delusions of grandeur, but madness reigns in the halls of the mountain king.
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