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Everything posted by Rumipo

  1. Rumipo


    Mitris Odd comes from a family of travelling merchants, his family used to struggle with the business and maintaining a good quality of life for everyone, Mitris found that the reason there was a struggle to have food on the table everyday, was because his fathers trades and prices were a bit too honest, after arguing that with his father several time, since they could have a better quality of life provided to them, Mitris left the Odd Family Wagon to do business his own way, and to give his father some slack since there was one less mouth to feed everyday. Mitris found a world full of wonders and beautiful things to discover, a huge desire for treasure and new adventures made Mitris feel alive in a way never before. Soon Mitris started his trade, and one day he found a elf looking for magical items , Mitris didn´t have that kind of item but with his charismatic persona he gave a good conversation to this traveller and soon learned about a town called Sutica and the amount of different merchants selling their goods there, This sparked Mitris Interest and as soon as he could he wondered looking for this town, he also learned that Sutica is a very open city and that living there is not very tax heavy, so Mitris decided once he got there that he would settle for a bit
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