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Everything posted by Nano_Kay

  1. There we go. There we goo.

  2. Nano_Kay


    @MamaBearJadeShe fixed it.
  3. Nano_Kay


    Elien Oscarth was born to a poor family, in which he adopted his adventure skills. Always being bored or lacking good home, he adventured to other lands. His family were people from the Princeton of Fenn, but he enjoyed to keep traveling. He adopted many skills along the way and often carries a bag with his most useful items. He will do anything and follows his own law. He follows the religion of ‘wyrvun and his six’ faithfully, and has a small tolerance of high elves unlike some.
  4. Nano_Kay


    Elien was born to poor parents in the capital, though never thought he’d end up where he was. He aspired to be rich, wealthy, and better in position than his parents lifestyle. However, he failed in doing so and ended up bad and dirty. He was a gang member at one point, but resulted in leaving to just be a rogue. He is quite.. the mysterious and interesting individual.
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