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Everything posted by Chronostic

  1. Chronostic


    I think i fixed it all
  2. Chronostic


    Istryf is a (relatively) young elf belonging to a strict, closely related to nature, family. The women of her family were mostly accomplished Ame’lie farmers, the men were hunters. Many of her family members purposefully sought out to become Druids. It was almost a tradition. After the War of Unity the family followed others to the new land. They continued to do so as time went on, moving to the next great city as this process repeated itself over and over. Every time they’d move, the family would make a promise to themselves never to let go of the bond they’d had with nature. This worked for awhile. Until Istry’f grandmother and grandfather, who decided that in the best interests of the family to fit in with the other elves in the cities to forbid seeking out to be a druid. Istryf did not agree with this decision. From the beginning, she’d ask why the family wasn’t allowed to seek out seek out teachers for druidic magics. She’d be told that it was just the way it was. She’d persist until finally her mother would punish her for even mentioning magic. Eventually, she gave up on it. . . on the outside. She was the perfect child in public, no mentions of magic ever. In private, with all of her friends though? She’d joined a sort of club for those who wanted to seek out magic teachers. Finally, she was deemed old enough to venture out on her own. She thought it’d be perfect. She’d be able to get at teacher without any issues with her family! But that’s when she was betrayed by a younger member o the club. It wasn’t fully the young elf’s fault. They were naive and didn’t understand what they were condemning Istryf to. Suddenly, Istryf was kicked from the family. She’d betrayed the number one rule, and as such, the family, small though they may be, would shun her. She’d never again speak to her family. She moved to the outskirts of the city, and begun a small garden so she wouldn’t even have to take the small risk of meeting a family member in the market. It’s been 5 years since she’d been abandoned, and she was more scared than she’d ever been.
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