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Everything posted by JohnRinn

  1. JohnRinn


    Good morning! I am Hallan, a resident of the Caligan Republic, right around the northeast side of Ceru. I am still quite young, and would like to live out my best life as a simple townsperson. When I was young, I heard the tales of Fjordin and Douglas, yes, very fascinating. I always had wondered how the culture of Caligo had developed. I still have much to learn about this island, so I am making an effort to explore the cultures of different places around the republic. I am not the richest, just a humble gardener who sells flowers for a living, because it’s so peaceful here! Battles just about never happen here in the Republic of Sutica, and I think it’s the most wonderful thing, don’t you? I love the feeling of grass and gravel under my feet. Oh, how it calms me down! Anyways, where was I? Ah, yes. I absolutely adore the architecture! I sometimes take a stroll through the land, thinking about how the rest of my day is going to go. Yes, yes, I love thinking about what I will do today, or tomorrow! My friends are very kind to me and help me come up with plenty of ideas. Eventually, I want to take a boat and visit another island or continent. This probably won’t happen, but a halfling can dream, right? Anyways, I absolutely love my life and I am very excited to explore more of the culture and meet plenty of new people across the island, maybe even the world! Oh, how I hope for the day. Have a good day, Sir (Or Ma’am)!
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