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Everything posted by wcb02

  1. wcb02


    Lunahi Yalnith was born into nobility. her mom was a baroness and her dad a baron. she was raised with her other 3 sisters. Ever since she could remember she was abused by her 2 oldest sisters. the only one who tried to protect her was her sister who was 3 years older than her Gelri. Lunahi started taking martial arts lessons from a guard at age 6. At age 13, Lunahi was sick of her sisters abusing her. she convinced her older sister Gelri to run away with her. so one night she and Gelri ran from Aegrothond. they dashed into the night only to find them selves lost in the forest. they wandered for 2 days trying to find someone, and they eventually did. however luck was not with them. they had found a group of elven forest bandits. the bandits took them prisoner and did not treat them very well. However Lunahi had a plan. she decided to challenge the leader of the bandits to a duel. the bandits all laughed at her but the leader said “enough!! if she wants to fight, Iblees will get her soul.” one of the bandits released her from her bonds and said, “i win, me and my sister join you and i am leader of this band. you win, i go to Ibless.”. the leader agreed. they gave her a choice of one of their weapons. all she took was a dagger. she hoped that her martial arts training wouldn't fail her now. the leader charged her and she sidestepped and tripped him. he threw dirt into her face. she kept fighting. he charged at her again, this time she tripped him again and stabbed him in the neck. she had won the fight. she ordered the release of her sister. however, one of the bandits shot an arrow into Gelri’s face. she then killed that bandit with his own arrows. she has been a bandit since.
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