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Everything posted by undersager

  1. undersager


    thanks can you tell me what are mountain dwarf clan’s
  2. undersager


    you need to change your biography make it about lotc lore and your character is quite young for a elf
  3. undersager


    I am a simple dwarf from the kingdom of agnarum. I love to mine but I am greedy. the most of my friends have gone and went exploring while I may do that but like my home. I am a mountain dwarf but have travelled to different home lands to find which fits me. I am not a fan of combat but will go if I must. I am the son of hearth hardrock. I do not consider myself as a elder more as a low born. I mostly speak the common tongue and do not know any of the ancient language. I am a mountain dwarf but like to mine cause my parents were from deferent clans.my father from grandaxe and my mother from goldhand.
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