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Everything posted by PoISonX11

  1. PoISonX11


    finished the edits on my character
  2. PoISonX11


    wow you guys are quick
  3. PoISonX11


    Grandahr Thalrik is a Warrior at heart. His wife was killed by an orc while he was out of kaz’ Ulrah and ever since has had a blinding rage towards them. He before this was a navigator for a ship called Posiden’s labors and is skilled at sailing. He gained that scar on this right shoulder due to a bar fight he had after his wife was murdered. His family was a common family that were mostly soldiers to Thoak Goldhand(btw love this name) and are very loyal to the throne. This is how he learned how to fight with steel as his brothers were taught. Grandahr has a hard time talking to other characters without offending them and has a nasty drinking problem with his favorite drink being liquor.
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