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Everything posted by Milomal

  1. Milomal


    Goras Zumberos was born in the city of Linandria to Aleint and Fladrian Zumberos , who were seedless.Goras never felt the need to join a seed though, for he was more interested in being independent. Goras spent much time in the cities in the library. There he studied lore, particularly about this Arcas’s creatures. Like most wood elves, Goras follows Aspectism, though is generally relaxed about such matters as religion. Of the two gods in Aspectism, he follows Cerridwen over Cernunnos, given his mostly nonviolent nature. Most wood elves never really paid attention to him, because, for much of his childhood, he was just a little strange. He refused to hunt, for one thing, and did not want to join a seed. Like all wood elves, though, he enjoyed the outdoors. When he wasn’t studying in the cities library, he was in the nearby forest, also studying, albeit in a different way. After adolescence though though, Goras did not know what to do. He eventually settled on working on his studies, as in wildlife. This is where we find him now. In the wilderness, Goras traveling far to gain knowledge of the life in Arcas.
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