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Everything posted by Gnosrat

  1. Gnosrat


    Gnosrat is a spirited little goblin. He was raised in a very small subterranean settlement outside the Capitol of the War Uzg. From a young age he was shown the basics of stone-working and trap-making. Not a master by any means, his skill is sufficient to maintain security without sacrificing goblin aesthetics. As all members of his clan, he was taught to survive by any means. His clan was strong, but did not believe in undue aggression. A wise man knows: “A friend carries more weight than an enemy.” His clan was orc-led as many are, and was prone to cruelty and violence. They were harsh to outsiders, but even harsher on their own. A rough life led to a reluctance in Gnosrat to stay with his clan. Living in the relative isolation of his small clan instilled a drive in Gnosrat to explore and learn more of the larger world. An insatiable curiosity grew in Gnosrat to see what new wonders existed. Despite his wanderlust however, he ultimately desires to carve out a more permanent place for himself in the world – perhaps even form a clan of his own. He has no strong feelings on the greater conflicts of the world, but will listen to reason and will do whatever necessary to continue breathing. “Sometimes you just have to dig a hole until the fire goes out.” Gnosrat holds no particular ill-will to other races, but obviously receives a lot of scrutiny from others for being a shifty-looking goblin. The shamanic traditions of spirit worship always intrigued Gnosrat, but he can claim no great ability to interact with spirits or gods. He is fascinated by the unknown and the unknowable – however out of reach it may be. He finally left his clan settlement when much of the subterranean catacombs he called home were flooded near the end of the Third Atlas Coalition War. This was his opportunity to pursue other avenues, and he took it without hesitation. X
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