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Everything posted by BluSlime

  1. BluSlime


    The changes have been made
  2. BluSlime


    Alter Ber is a 30 year-old blacksmith. He is helpful and friendly, but can also be very lazy. He was born and grew up in a remote and humble village near the frontier with Mordor. During his childhood he was the local blacksmith’s apprentice and developed a love for blacksmithing, he is very eager to help people who are in need. During his spare time, he was homeschooled by his mother. After long years of hard study he learned how to read, write and some arithmetic. When he was 20 years old his village was attacked and then pillaged by orcs, he saw his family get murdered in front of his eyes, making it hard for him to trust most people he comes across with. Nevertheless, once you get to know him, you will find he is very kind and amicable. After this incident, he was left for dead inside a burning house. Some lost travelers saw the burning village and found only him alive, taking him with them until they reached Carolustadt. Along the way, he was taught basic swordsmanship and archery. He would like to find someone to help him improve his techniques in both disciplines. One of his greatest fears is being part of a family – only to lose it once again. He is currently looking for a job as a blacksmith or a farmer – anything to help him put bread on the table.
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