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  1. Proxy4D


    Goregran spent his very eary childhood in a nomadic tribe, scouring the lower deserts above the Agnarum kingdom, a life spent as insane as any other particular orc child, pitted in constant fights and tests Goregran was taught the harships of life. However by his 4th birthday during a migration to new temporary campsite a civil war ensued. There had been growing tensions between the strongest of the elder orcs and the argument over which direction to head towards had begun the final tear in the clans banner. Orc after orc was dropped as the tests of strength among the elders quickly devolved into a frenzy of combat. As some orcs fled so did Goregran, a coward by any nature however even at such a young age he as an Orc knew that his bloodline needed to survive, with that he soon found himself in the company of Dwarven lumberers, from the city of Kal’Azgaryum. In his rage Goregran was seen tearing out smaller tree stumps in a clearing the dwarfs had just made, shocked by this tiny orcs strength the dwarfs watching him do their work until he had tired and fell asleep. Once Goregran awoke he was greeted by the company of dwarfs in their campsite, surprised if nothing else that they had no killed him he was cautious to make any movements until they had noticed him awake. Speaking a very broken common the young orc had managed to convey what he needed to, the dwarfs coming to the agreement that this orc was not much of a danger and his brute strength may prove useful to them, decided to bring him back to Kal’Azgaryum. It was there that Goregran learned the ways of the smith, an outcast in every way however with the strength of an orc, few of the low cast dwarfs payed him much distaste. The same could not be said by the high cast as many of them taunted Goregran, often having him beaten and humiliated as a public display of dwarven supremacy, enduring it only as he knew death was the alternative. This taught Goregran that nobility was a stain apon all society's, when the mighty in status are not mighty in pride or personal strength, it leads to disdain and war. Goregran grew into a decent smith and warrior, his natural strength and fury making him a sought after pit fighter and laboror. Yet Goregran knew his life lay elsewhere, he was not born in Kal’Azgaryum and he would not die there, his grave lay elsewhere.
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