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Everything posted by Tetsukin

  1. Tetsukin


    @Idlesoul Changed position to general to compensation with 20 gold coins. Also changed transition to kidnapping and being thrown off the cliff. I also removed the buffs, and added the two references which are surrounded by ** signs. Thanks for checking out my application by the way!
  2. Tetsukin


    Name: Takeru Kurobane Race: Human (Farfolk) Age: 21 Former Profession: Soldier Build: 174 pounds with defined muscles from training. Is used to long combat and taking a beating so his agility and stamina is high. Look: Peach-Pale-Yellowish skin and black hair. Has dark blue eyes which almost seem to be black. Gear: Thick blue travelling coat underneath a set of steel chestplate and armguards which are dark grayish in color from old age. Has leather gloves under his steel arm guards and leather boots. Has a leather strap over his shoulder which holds a sword on his back. Has a leather belt which has pouches on it. Backstory: Takeru grew up in a village in the far east. His father was an Adunian making Takeru a quarter elf. After the undead invasion of the fourteenth century his father fell off of a cliff while running from the undead. His father hit shallow rocks, and he was knocked unconscious beneath the water. Waking up in an unknown continent which seemed to have soldiers wearing plates of armor strapped together with leather and wielding one sided curved swords. His father’s name was Kale Velundi, who eventually decided to adopt the culture of this foreign land and made his last name Kurobane, which means Black Wing in the native language there. This name was chosen by him as a symbol of him being a fallen angel who has discarded the “Old Faith” religion and having his wings be dyed black from corruption. Of course, he sees it as a rebirth into this new culture, and decides to forget about gods as he lives life without them. Takeru’s father lived believing in reincarnation from this day forth. “The good reincarnate into Strong or Rich. The bad reincarnate into bugs.” Kale Kurobane, Takeru’s father would say. Takeru’s father married to a Farfolk from this land, whom had pitch black hair and dark blue eyes with pale yellow skin. Takeru gained the peach-like color from his father, and although it is more pale and yellow than the folk who are known as heartlanders and highlanders, he still has a resemblance to them. Takeru was born in a small house with little money, but his parents were warmhearted and good to him. He had a good life growing up as a child. Takeru would often play with the other kids, and he loved to fight with sticks from a young age. “That boy is going to be a warrior!” His father Kale would shout and laugh merrily when he saw him. His mother would only shake her head however, since she didn’t enjoy the thought of violence. Takeru would learn how to read and write from his parents, and later when he became a teenager he applied to become a soldier. As a recruit, Takeru would often be scorned and bullied for his more slender appearance. This slenderness was from his father who was an Adunian. Takeru would often be beat up when trainings were over, and he only endured it without retaliating because he knew that if he attacked then they would forever be enemies, and he needed these people to be his allies in the future when they fought the soldiers from other kingdoms. When the other soldiers would go to sleep at night after training, Takeru would stay up late at night and swing his sword around before doing his signature routine. “10 Kilometer run! 100 Pushups! 100 Situps! 100 Squats!” Takeru would shout each phrase as he did each one. He would do this training set every single day and never stopped even when his elbows started making cracking sounds, and even when he began to cough up blood in pain, he would never stop. Eventually, his fellow recruits noticed that Takeru’s body was slowly gaining muscle, and he became even more defined then them. He also stopped coughing up blood eventually, and the cracking sounds of his arms stopped as well. After three years of self drills at night, he became stronger and more agile. His stamina was more than the others, and he ran faster and longer than they did. He always led the pack when they did running drills in the mornings. During sparring, he would dominate the others and finish them in a few blows. Eventually he would be chosen as a reserve captain and promoted at the age of 17. Takeru’s first battle experience was when the bandits attacked his village. The recruitment building only had about 100 recruits who trained every day, 20 reserve captains like Takeru, and 7 official officers from the capital. The bandit’s force was 1,200 savages in total, and they raided the nearby villages as if it were a holiday. “You are to man the walls and strike them using the defenses!” His officer would shout at him and then walk away. Takeru had a team of 5 soldiers under him, and instead of listening to orders he led them up the river path and past the forest to where the dam was. When the bandits attacked, Takeru’s officer called out for him, but Takeru was no where to be found. The bandits were just outside the walls, and they were charging with ladders and arrows. It was then that Takeru stood atop the dam at the end of the river, and he stabbed it with his sword. After he stabbed it with his sword, the water flooded the area and many bandits were washed away without knowing how to swim. “Now! Get them!” Takeru shouted and began killing the bandits who were shocked from the force of the water. The bandits were eventually killed and the government sent their village a reward of 100 gold coins. However, Takeru was not praised or congratulated. Instead, he was tied up by his commanding officer and flogged with a whip for disobeying orders. Takeru could only endure the pain as he was whipped, and he soon got used to it after two full days of flogging. When the officer got tired, he would switch with other soldiers, and eventually Takeru’s screams of pain stopped and all that could be heard were loud slaps. This made Takeru resistant to pain. When the envoy from the capital came, he listened to the stories of the soldiers under Takeru, and found out about the story. Instead of flogging Takeru as well, he slapped the commanding officer, and demoted him to recruit instantly. Then he gave Takeru 20 gold coins as a compensation. However, in order to prevent Takeru from getting revenge on them, the soldiers who had flogged him tied him up in his sleep and threw him off the cliff. Where Takeru bashed his head on a rock before going into the water. This action of falling from the cliff and being drifted away by the water carried Takeru over to the current continent. Known as Arcas. Takeru awoke in a small village *near the outskirts of Curonia*, which was eventually raided by Uruks(Orcs), and he grabbed the sword of the nearest guard there. Displaying his combat prowess, he fended off many Uruks, but as he was only one man, the village eventually fell, and he fled with the others. *The village where Takeru landed was a village at the outskirts of Curonia.* Takeru fell in love with a brown haired woman who had green eyes and a smile so sweet one could think that she was the descendant of a god. Every time she smiled, her dimples would show and it warmed Takeru’s cold heart. He eventually confessed to her one day as they were travelling with the rest of the village, but she was shot in the neck by an arrow. Without being able to discover who killed his love, men dressed in cloaks abducted the villagers, and Takeru was forced into battle once again. Takeru tried to kill the people in cloaks, but they were too fast, and he could only defend as many were coming at him at once. Stabbed in the side, he coughed up blood and his guard opened. He was then stabbed again in the shoulder. The men in cloaks thought they stabbed his heart, and decided that he was dead as he was no longer breathing. Takeru fell into the river and floated away. When he woke up, he was cold, injured, and hungry. So he grabbed a fish from the river, and started a fire. Takeru had no weapon or item from his homeland other than the old darkened armor that he currently wears now. The only weapon he has is the sword he took from a guard at the village that was raided long ago, and the sword is mostly old and dented now. *Takeru began hearing rumors of the so called Cloud temple. Thus he headed there and found the monks, who offered mental healing to his wounded heart. Here he recovered and eventually started taking up mercenary jobs once more.* He became a lone traveler, and often took on mercenary missions from the local towns near Haense. He would always stare at the recruitment buildings, but seeing as he looked different, he decided that they wouldn’t accept him, and he would probably just be a low rank forever. Whether he decides to become a Mercenary for the rest of his life... Or he decides to join an army somewhere... This is where Takeru’s backstory ends, and his Journey in this realm begins. Extra Stuff: Quarter Adunian: Live until age 180-200 Farfolk: Has a healthy appearance and doesn’t get wrinkled skin that easily at an old age. Body: Is more muscular than the average soldier from training. Despite his Quarter-Adunian heritage. *Important*: I did not steal this story or use a generated one. I created this with my own sweat and blood.
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