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Everything posted by ethanjem11

  1. ethanjem11


    Is my app fine without an example?
  2. ethanjem11


    Merek Buckwall was born in a small poor family near the Capital of the Federation of Sutica, conveniently named Sutica. At a young age he started doing dueling his older brothers with sticks and brawling with them, usually losing due to his brothers longer arm lengths and their larger weight Since their house was in a location where bandits were common, it was hard to keep money and food since they kept on raiding their home. Life continued as normal until one day, when he was 19, when a new group of bandits came along. Merek was out hunting when it happened. He came back to see his family all dead, every single one of them. He was searching around to see what was left when he heard men shouting. He peered out the window and saw five men on horseback riding his way. He looked around for the nearest weapon and found his fathers old, rusty sword. Merek watched them through a window of his house, noticing one splitting off from the group, seemingly to take a 'leak'. He quietly crept out the back door and headed in his direction, slicing his throat when he found him. He quickly donned on his armor and headed back to the group, somehow tricking them. He then went with them to their camp where he managed to escape in the night. While he did that, he had grabbed all the minas and food he could find and stole a horse from them. He then rode to Sutica where he still lives today.
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