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Everything posted by Quinni

  1. Quinni


    Bernard is a generally laid back guy, having a good sense of humor, cracking jokes often, but also knowing when to be serious. He grew up in a cabin with his mom and 5 brothers without any type of fatherly figure around. Bernard grew up poor, but well, as his mother wouldn't let any of them go hungry. When his brothers all moved away, he stayed and took care of him mom, but once she passed he kept the house and now lives all alone in the log cabin. He gets by by chopping wood and selling it to the local town, which has made him somewhat of a hard worker. Occasionally, he will spend his nights going to the local bar where he'll make jokes and have a nice time with the bar-goers. He enjoys laughing a lot and keeps people he cares about close. He's full of love for others and the type of man to die for his loved ones with a smile on his face. Although, even with all of the love and warmth he has to offer, he can be rather stubborn and seem lacking in the manner department while he will often belch in front of others and put his dirty boots up where they do not belong. He can also come across as rather lacking in intelligence, but he makes up for it with his kindness and charm. Overall, Bernard is a simple elvish man that is just trying to get by. (This art is by me!)
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