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Everything posted by MrSnipps

  1. MrSnipps


    Kyle was born twenty-three years prior to the present date. He was born into a farming family, so as a child he only knew full stomachs. His parents were very loving towards him, because he was an only child. During a storm, lightning hit the farms windmill. The windmill, made out of wood, was set alight and the fire spread to the barn. All the animals died aside from a single horse. The crops were burnt too. Kyle’s family, having no way of gaining money, starved. His mother died of lack of vitamin C about three months later. Kyle went around with his father, begging people for spare money. His father ended up getting sick, and he died. Kyle began to steal from people, to live. He did it enough to the point where he had enough food to keep him in average shape. When he got older, he began working as an apprentice for a blacksmith. After gaining enough money, Kyle bought a small home, with a small farm, and quit working for the blacksmith. He grows his own food and sometimes sells any extras that he doesn’t use.
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