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Everything posted by morgan323

  1. morgan323


    He was born 21 years ago in Renatus to a blacksmith who makes Ferrum tools and his wife, His mother died in childbirth and did know her and his father decided to rise him on his own and train him to eventually take over his business. Throughout his childhood, Nathan suffered numerous misfortunes as he was often sick and over time he developed Ricketts which left him to have to use a cane to help him walk and move he also developed a liking to alcohol to bare the pain and he also started smoking copious amounts of cactus green and has been self-medicating ever since and this has only gotten worse throughout his teenage years when he started gambling and he developed an addiction toward it and this as well as the drinking let to conflict between him and his father and one night they had a huge fight that resulted in him getting disowned and disinherited by his father. He was also trained as an apprentice from a young age and wished to one day make weapons from carbarum but has not used his skills since his father disowned him. From there leading into his young adulthood and current lifestyle he joined a band of thugs who raided and robbed the roads and areas around Haelun'or he owed mina to their boss and had to work off the debt so he was forced into enforcing the bosses wishes upon people and sometimes it got ugly and he later was able to repay their boss and left them but he once again fell into drinking and gambling and has not stopped this never-ending cycle till now when he decided to try and make his way in the world, perhaps to become an Orc honourary or a Dragon knight within Renatus.
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