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Everything posted by CapitanKelo

  1. CapitanKelo


    Leanique, also called as “leani” was a normal daughter of a common family who was born on the 5th of the Grand Harvest in 1680 in a common town located near the Duchy of Adria. At the beginning, everything was as It is in the fairy tales, but all the tales come to an end. Her parents suddenly died in an incident and she became an orphan. That fact definitely changed her life forever. Leanique never had any talent, she was just a girl from the bunch, and that’s definitely one of her flaws. In the past, she was a girl who used to talk a lot but after the incident where her parents lost their life she became a quiet and prudent girl, and soon she found herself living alone on the street. One day when she lived on the street, the sun set and, suddenly, a storm started and thunders and lightning strikes could be heard and seen in the dark sky. In fact, the storm came with a really strong rain. “Young girl!” – could be heard from the distance. “If you don’t want to get ill or even worse, to die, come with me!” – could be heard again. She glanced at where the voice came from and started to follow its track hoping to find her salvation. However, she stumbled on a rock that was located in the middle of the street, making her fell in the dirt of the road. When she woke up in an unknown place, she heard the same voice she had heard before in the street: “Hey girl, you’ve finally awoke!” – the voice said. She opened her eyes and saw that she was lying on a bed and, in front of her, there was a strange man that afterwards introduced himself as Alexander II Merentel, who gave her some food and water and explained her that she was in the Kingdom of Curonia.
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