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Everything posted by AmethystOrchid

  1. AmethystOrchid


    Amethyst was born to a relatively standard elven couple whom already had three sons. Amethyst’s mother passed away in childbirth and her father sent her off to live with her mother’s sister because he didnt understand how to raise a young girl and had three young boys to handle. Her aunt Jordan Fink took Amethyst away from the high elf territory in Arcas to live a peaceful life in a small cottage in the wilderness where she could be taught about Herbs and plants, such as what could be used in medicines and as poisons as well as trying to teach her magic. However Amethyst was not a fair hand at most magic besides basic healing spells. Seeing that Amethyst was strongly drawn towards animals at a very young age Jordan taught her young niece animal magic. Now that Amethyst is of the proper age she and her aunt are setting out on an adventure into the lands of Arcas. The purpose of their journey, to find the beings who were responsible for the deaths of their family all those years ago and perhaps find themselves along the way.
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