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Everything posted by Dgretty

  1. Dgretty


    Orphaned as a child, Amos Freyr is not of noble blood nor has he inherited any wealth. He spent most of his childhood raised by a poor mushroom farmer west of Renatus. Although lousy foster parents, he appreciated them. His foster father, Drylm, has dark sullen eyes, broad shoulders and a limp felicitous to a war previously fought. His foster mother, Auley, was bitter, with a low, gravely voice for a woman. She spent most of her time cleaning and cooking. She stood short, with blonde hair that was going grey, wrinkled skin and a broken smile. Amos did not talk to her much, other than receiving chores and other tasks to complete. Drylm and Auley had a daughter, Eilr, who was younger than him. She is 16, with long blonde hair and a slim figure. Amos took care of her, giving her his food, and teaching her to hunt and provide for herself. When Amos turned 17, he decided to leave the comfort of the home he knew and began to seek out his biological parents. He took the long journey to Markev, capitol of Haense. Upon arrival he took up a farm hand position in a small village to the west of the city, living in one of the cottages. He would visit the city record keeps, looking for a sign of his parents. After months of searching, he finally came upon an entry, both of his parents have been long since deceased, the year after he was born. They lived here in the city of markev, and were both murdered by a thief looking for coin. The thief, perished in the city jail. With no sense of direction, or goal, Amos decided to gather the little coin he had and start an adventure of his own.
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