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Everything posted by jeanmen

  1. jeanmen


    Jeanpierre Sanchez, also known as “Jean”, was born on the 7th of the Great Harvest in 1691 in a very rich family of a town located near the Kingdom of Curonia. At the age of 4, he witnessed how some bandits attempted to rob their family. In the robbery, his father tried to defend his wife and him, but the bandits were too many, so his father ended up perishing because of the injuries caused by the sword of a bandit. When this happened, his mother told his son to hide in a false wall and not to leave until she told him, so Jeanpierre did that and a few minutes later he heard a scream, and he decided to stop hiding and walk to where the sound came from. When he arrived to the place, he saw something that he would never forget: the corpse of his mother laying on the floor in a pool of blood. The corpse of his mother had a letter on his hands, so he grabbed and started reading It after cleaning it a little bit. The letter was a map that indicated the road to Avalain, the capital of the Kingdom of Curonia. In the letter It was also mentioned the name of an apparent friend of their family: Gideon Merentel. That’s why Jean then decided to start a trip to Avalain in order to find him. He found out that Gideon was a really good friend of his parents, and he took care of him until when he turned 15, when Gideon died due to a strong illness. Living with Gideon, he got really well with his son Alexander II, that’s why he decided to follow him in his new adventure. Character Name: Jeanpierre Sanchez Character career: Human Gender of the character: Man Age of the character: 19 Character description: He looks like a regular human of his age, height and weight. Interesting facts: He is very skilled with swords, bows, and hand-to-hand combat. However, he is not very resistant and is not very skilled at creating things and cooking.
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