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Everything posted by GramNam

  1. GramNam


    A brother of, Calumin Tillmair (HypeShark), Ailonn hails from Haelun’or. Ailonn spent most of his childhood on adventures with his brother. As the two brothers left their childhood home they parted ways, Calumin wanted to be a guard and Ailonn spent his time exploring north of the mountains. With a dramatically overbearing father with high expectations Ailonn always received the brunt of his father’s anger whereas Calumin, the younger brother, was spoiled. As Ailonn’s father always wanted him to be a wielder of arcane magic, Ailonn instead strayed from the magical path in direct defiance of his father despite his natural gift awarded to him by his heritage. Ailonn, always fascinated by the sciences ventured to the far north in search of knowledge but after many years of venturing Ailonn wishes to return home to his brother. Left relatively aimless and displaced from the more developed society Ailonn plans to live with his brother and help in his home town of Haelun’or. Unfortunately, due to a relatively traumatic childhood, Ailonn suffers from a minor case of depression and remains relatively withdrawn. Ailonn quests to one day find himself inside of The Eternal Library of Haelun’or in his tireless quest for knowledge and his slight obsession with books. Ailonn has considered one day becoming an educator at the Haelun’or College and spend his time educating but he knows he must get off of his feet before striving to any great goals.
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