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  1. JJonahh


    Harwin, a Heartlander, had a lowly background from birth – his father was a travelling mummer, and his mother was a tavern wench from Curon. He grew up fairly poor, with a very small living space. It was due to being fed so little, perhaps, that he did not grow to be big nor strong. He had heard stories of the Third Atlas Coalition War, as he only vaguely remembered it from being a child. He dreamed of fighting as a child, but the realisation came that he would not as different ambition grew. From a young age, he had to earn money of his own to live on – his father’s earnings were meagre and he grew ill, while his mother very quickly abandoned them. He started with honest work, but soon took to deceit and intrigue. He made up for his physical shortcomings by spending time in libraries and finding what books he could with the little money he had. He grew to be a strong mind with the selfish and driven motivation of being more than his parents ever were – to make a name for himself. He uses what little money he gathers to give the illusion of wealth, spending it all on fine clothes and his appearance – a small man can cast a large shadow.
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