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  1. b_o_bob


    born near Adria in the year 1692 tens years after the 23rd of Malin’s welcome and raised by his parents in a small farm. When Vixen was 8 (when the wargames began and a duke insulting Ratibor of Adria and the wars ends in Curonian being victorious) he saw his mother carrying him out of the house and made sure he couldn’t see the house, as he looked up he sore clouds but they weren't normal they were black with red dots through out them. Vixen is 10 yrs old and there wasn’t any word from his farther, and he is in a small cave with his mother she was the only one who could talk out of her and his farther since he was mute, but Vixen couldn’t even remember his mothers name nor his father's name. He is 13 now and his mother was teaching him how to shoot a bow and arrow and the basics of hunting, and how to gut the animals getting the meat and leather back then. 15 now and Vixen have started getting a little house ready for him and his mother. 9 years had passed since he last sore that sight and this year it happened again, one day when he was off getting meat for dinner he sore in the distance the same fire where his house was. He checked for any signs of his mother but there was nothing there, so he grabbed his things together and said his last goodbye’s to his home. 19 now and Vixen arrived at his home when he was 8, took a while to get here but when he start investigating something happened to him and then he appeared there in the cloud temple. After what has happened to him he has been scared of fire being to close to it (4-6 blocks) reminds him of what had happened to his mother and father, and he has learnt to track much better which helps with his hunting. Vixen dislikes orcs (because he thinks that their race killed his parents) ever since he was 8. He is mostly calm and timid but he can be aggressive when needed.
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