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Everything posted by YBPhoenix

  1. YBPhoenix


    The following changes have been made as requested, please overlook to find any other mistakes. If no mistakes are found, that would be alright with not only you, but with my part as well.
  2. YBPhoenix


    In the the coldest winter ever upon the Highlands, in the city of Curon, a child was born with the bluest of eyes, Arisen, came to be the baby’s name. During the winter the boy suffered harshly from the extreme cold; nevertheless, he managed to survive. In the coming years, he was praised by the rest of the children, but little did Arisen know they grew jealous of his eyes. One night, in the late Fall, two of the boys who were a bit older than him decided to pull a “joke” on him. And so, the boys put him in a sack whilst he slept and decided to throw him into the river; however, Arisen awoke, but it was too late. He was pulled down from the current and swept away from the city he called home. Eventually, Arisen was found on shore not too far from his home, but he didn’t know which way to go on the trail. So he headed down the path opposite of his home, going towards the city of Fenn. Arisen soon arrived in Fenn, where he was brought in by a blacksmith. This blacksmith however, grew hatred towards Arisen for his popularity, but decided to use him to bring in people. Arisen grew aware of this and left without warning. He follows the path of nature and grows to like being alone and silent, so he may listen to life speak to him. (Not in literal terms.)
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