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  1. DomMotes


    Nicholas Snow considers himself a man of honor. Any debt will be repaid, any promise kept, and no oath broken. At least, that’s what he tells himself. His father, Enri Snow, is a man of great honor whom Nic has looked up to his entire life. In all aspects of life, Nic tries to prove himself to be the man his father is. His family has done much traveling throughout the lands of Arcas and his father has always kept them safe. From bandits, to petty thieves, to the elements themselves. Nic is now branching out on his own, however, and plans to put to the test all of the skills and lessons his father has taught him. Nic is a confident man, and thinks he can take on anything Arcas can throw at him, his skill with his bow is formidable, but he knows it will take more than that to keep himself safe in these lands. Nicholas is a quiet man, yet he does enjoy the company of close friends. He finds it difficult, however, to acquire a good group of comrades, for he is somewhat lacking in his communication skills. If you can see through the somewhat steely exterior, you will find yourself with a good, loyal companion who will stick with you through any hardship. Nic is a man who see’s the beauty in the world and loves to stop and see any sight worth the view across his many travels. He was born in the Kingdom of Curonia and hasn’t been back there since he was a young boy. He now plans to make the long trek back to Curon to see how it has changed in his absence and perhaps settle down there. His family now resides in the beautiful south, in the Federation of Sutica. The city proved too peaceful for him. He hopes to be able to see the beauty all of the Kingdoms of Arcas have to offer before he see’s the end of his days. All in all, Nicholas Snow is a reserved man, a loyal friend, a helper to any, and a man of honor.
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