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Everything posted by Reinod

  1. Reinod


  2. Reinod


    My name is Hiba, given to me before birth by my mother. Born in the dessert, secluded from the rest of the Qalasheen. After my mother passed away when I was still a todler, a group of low-class bandits “adopted” me. I didn’t have any education, never learnt to read nor count numbers, but they taught me one thing, that while the rest of the Qalasheen feast on nice food and doing social activities, they had to scrap every bit of garbage to get food, but, there was another way of getting the money, the dirty work no people like to do, assault and rob. During my teenage years we travel across the dessert, robbing wagons of merchants, and sometimes killing the people in them, i didn’t mind much about it, because it was the only way we could get food or money. I wasn’t the only young one there was Zoya, she was like an elder sister, and also Aaaqil, he was like the father on the group of like 18 people, both of them took care of everyone in the group, until one day some armored knights ambushed us before doing the robbery on a merchant. They killed every male on the group, and took every female except for Zoya, who sacrificed herself to make sure I could escape the knights. Being alone once more in this world, I will leave the Celiphate, searching for ways to get money, food, and revenge on those who killed my family. As Aaaqil told me once, Do everything for the ones you love, even if that means doing the wrong.
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