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  1. Celestialism - The augmentation of Arcanism Concept inspired by writing by Charcoal1, Dark Souls 3 & Final Fantasy 12 Arcanism, the beginning of it all. A magic largely undefined by the natural elements and left to the mystery of the void. Through the ages more and more control has been gained with the magic through the efforts of two mages. The first being the original Arcane Mage who gave the descendants the ability to cast the first mundane spells. The second an elf who would claim the title of the 11th Arcane Mage and usher in the age of the Arcanist. With the uncovering of the Prism Stone light itself would become a bounty for magic. The Prism Stone A single stone uncovered, it's power unknown until now has lead to the future of Arcanism. The Prism stone was unearthed from the sands where countless years of hot shifting sands polished it until it was completely translucent, it's angles cut by nature to the level worthy of any legendary smith. However this was only the end of centuries of process. Unknown to man, nor known to gods this prism stone made a pilgrimage four times. The first pilgrimage was its birth, in the depths of the world. The implosion of a voidal node caused volcanic plumes and earthen material to collapse in upon itself. The resounding blast uncovering a multitude of crude prism stones, much larger and more numerous than the current stone, from their bastion of rock, only to exude the brute voidal power for years to come. Here it was imbued with the abyss. It's second pilgrimage came when the oceans filled the abyss. So deep was the trench that swallowed the prism stone that the only light that filtered down came in thin streams of lavender moonlight. The chasm rebounded with the minuscule amount of light like a multi-surface mirror all angled at the prism stone. Here it was imbued with the twilight. It's third pilgrimage came when the oceans that swallowed the abyss finally dried up. It was here that the stone laid dormant for years beyond count. Only to finally be dislodged by a stream of falling meterorite. The withered body of water was compounded by the cosmic rock, the stone being fractured to pieces and flung all around. It all resounded with blue filtered light, the sky-rocks compacting into themselves . Here it was imbued with the crystal. The fourth pilgrimage came when the stones were blown by heat and wind, slowly melting into an ocean of sand. The shifting sands slowly buried the artifacts and allowed time to give its due process. Here it was imbued with radiance and its pilgrimage came to rest. The Stone Today; The Stone itself possesses three qualities. The first of these is that the light that moves in its core reacts to the movement of beings around it. As a Descendants walks past they may note the light following them across the space around it. Powerful mages who has particularly thick auras may even cause a little of the light to leave the gem and arc toward them, almost magnetised by their presence. The second quality, is that noise is incredibly dull when standing near it; a sphere of influence can be seen that causes the light to warp in myriad ways. Stepping into this sphere is similar to being underwater, with all noise coming very slowly and always distorted. The last and most important aspect of the Stone is the fact that an arcanist can reach within, using their own evoked energy, and borrow a little of the power it holds. The kind of power that may be gleaned changes with the state of the sky above; that is not to say the other forms of energy have fled the gem, only that they have been forced deeper into the depths of the stone. When none of the specific times of day are currently passing, the stone exhibits properties of all four energies within or when outside of direct, natural light, will appear muted and mundane. Arcanist Stones Mana gems of varying size can be imbued from with an augment from the Prism stone and thus allow an Arcanist to imbue a single spell with its properties. While the Mage may find finite resources for this spellcasting the results allow them to imbue Arcanism with exotic behaviors. However this comes at the cost of the mana gem which is quickly destroyed by the foreign power within it. Imbuement With the Prism stone placed on an alter so open to the elements that light might always find a way to bend within it a Celestial Arcanist may begin their craft. To imbue a mana gem an Arcanist must channel Arcanism into it while touching the gem to the Prism stone. Depending on the level of light the Prism stone will react differently and imbue it with one of four augments. On the darkest nights when the moon lay cloaked by clouds and the lands covered in a pitch black film the stones imbued will be with the abyssal augment. On nights when the moon is at its peak and the land is illuminated in twilight will the stones imbues will be with the twilight augment. When dawn breaks and the realm gleams with dew the stones imbued will be with the crystalline augment. Lastly when the sun beats down heavily at its peak of the day the stones imbued will be with the radiant augment. Imbuement is something entirely separate from the spells Arcanists have devoted their study to and thus require renewed training. Those few apostle of celestialism find that their imbuement often fail as they focus their craft. Along with training to augment spells the mage must also become acquainted with mana gems, their functions and their requirements during the imbuement process. Most any size of mana gem can be imbued however the size of the gem is directly reflected in the size of the spell cast. A large gem cannot cast a small spell and a small gem cannot be used to cast a large spell as an arcanist stone will always exhaust itself until it is destroyed. Another attribute to note is that the caster’s aura color does not come into play due to the process of imbuement. Instead the color of the spell varies from augment to augment. While imbued gems may be used to augment the Arcanist's spells it is not without cost and should the Arcanist perform spells using celestial augments they will find their mana still used to activate and cast the exotic spellcraft. Greater Imbuement- the acquirement of the highest tier of gem; Experienced users have the ability to create imperfect replicas of the original Stone. Even before this process may be begun, many hours of meditation within the Stone’s power to acquire a higher knowledge of exactly how it functionsl. Once this has been complete, the gems may be set adjacently to the Prism stone on an altar similar in creation to that upon which the Stone itself sits; being open to the sky is incredibly important, in that the gems must receive a similar process of tempering to the original and only the rarest of materials will make adequate stones. Beginning on a night that brings forth the abyssal aspect of the Stone, the arcanist must meditate and summon a large amount of arcane energy. This cloud is then allowed to wash over the stone for hours on end, a crude mimicry of the energy gathered from the voidal node that the original thrives upon; by the end, the arcanist will surely be exhausted. Moving through the same cycle the Stone did (abyssal, twilight, celestial and radiant) the arcanist must complete this process for each of the other aspects. It is likely that this cycle must be repeated at least twice before the new stone is complete. The appearance of the new stone is up to its creator, and it may appear in whatever form they so desire as long as it adheres to the aspects of the original. Usually the stone retains much of its inherit natural state as one cannot take one incredibly precious gem and imbue it to be another however it is in this process that these replicas often turn a shade of the caster's aura color. The imperfection of these replicas lies in the fact that much like the gems from which they were crafted, they only attune themselves to one of the aspects at a time. This may be changed when the stone is brought back upon this mock altar, through another process of meditation and arcane bathing. These mock stones allow for the greatest spells in an arcanists arsenal to be unleashed in a celestial form, and moreover, do not break upon being used. However, much like a mana gem used in enchanting, they must be recharged by again, taking them to their respective altar. Instead of using a high tier spell, many lower tier may be used instead; it should be noted however, that the replica will expend all the power it currently holds no matter what set of spells are used. Much like a fire set to burn, once the energy has been allowed to release, it will continue to do so until it runs dry. Augmentations: Crystalline-augment: Aqua colored Gem: Spells are cast much farther away from the body and always shatter & can pierce. Crystal-clear blue spells. Applies to: Projectile & Shielding & Weaponry Spells crafted from a Crystalline gem form in jagged, broken crystal shapes. Much of their translucency is lost and replaced by a glittering soft blue. All spells formed by this augment are solid but can lack durability when struck against larger blunt weapons such as hammers and maces. Once the arcanist stone’s power is used up either by naturally draining itself through a full duration of a spell or by being broken by an opposing force the spell will always shatter, sending shards of crystal in all directions threatening to harm unarmored friend and foe alike with the sharp piercing crystal. Spells from this gem are not cast from the mage’s focal point but rather from somewhere above them and tend to be called down upon the target like falling stars. Projectiles tending to be smaller shards while barriers erected from this gem fall like giant crystals that fracture upon the ground to block the path but cannot be rearranged or reshaped once cast. Weapons formed are extremely volatile to both parties and can be heavy depending on their actual size, weighing about half as much more than their ferrum counterparts. Abyssal-augment: Onyx colored Gem: Spells are tracked to their target and always travel along the ground. Slower but noxious. Black flame spells. Applies to: Projectile Spells crafted from an Abyssal gem latch onto their targets and slither across the ground in the form of noxious black flames. Though the trail that follows the spell only lasts for a few moments it is enough to cause nausea, dizziness, and general distortion to any who cross its path. Should the slow moving spell hit its mark the target would suffer the full brute force of the noxious fumes as the ebony flames would remain latched on for a duration, depending on the size of the gem used, and likely knock them out should they lack the willpower to repel the fumes. Likewise without an adequate gem the spell could perform meager feats and fall short of the distance required to reach its target. Spells also become incredibly difficult to see in the dark and though a target may be blocked the spell will tend to travel over obstacles to get to them, having no corporeal effect on any object. Radiance-augment: Ivory colored Gem: Spells are blinding, hot and very dispersed/radiant. White orb spells. Applies to: Shielding. Spells crafted from a Radiance gem are never anything beyond intangible motes of light. They are cast off and tend to not only illuminate larger areas but completely obliterate them in pure white hot light. While they lack any type of form they will temporarily blind all those around it as if they shared the energy of the scorching sun. Unlike other gems Radiance gems must be cast and then thrown before else the mage will be threatened by being at the center of its spell effect. Spells emit immense amounts of heat that is goes from being bearably uncomfortable at a farther distance to blistering at the epicenter of the spell. Barriers formed by a Radiance gem do not block physical attacks but rather erupt from an epicenter and expand outwards. The larger the gem the larger the area affected and the stronger the luminosity. Twilight-augment: Amethyst colored Gem: Spells are all completely smooth, solid and reflective like mirrors. Dark metallic gray. Applies to: Weaponry Spells crafted by the Twilight gem are sharp, fast spikes and gleam like metal, suitable only to take the basic shape of mortal instruments. The spell itself cannot be achieved until the fragile gem is crushed causing a weapon to be formed. This weapon is weighted and must be used manually but it can be thrown or used in tandem with other instruments such as bows. Spells have the enhanced ability to pierce through other alloys but tend to be made up of small thin spindly spikes. Likewise this gems can be activated without actually causing the spell to happen. In this active state they may be placed as traps but must be placed in a clear direction. The front face of the stone is where the spell is cast from, thus causing gems that are kicked around to miss their mark. Spells can also take the form of larger spike that can be held much like a rapier or spear would be. Spells crafted by Twilight gems also provide ritualistic use and can be used as chime-like objects that help induce meditation. When activated the spell causes subtle reverberations that induce tranquility and dull surrounding noise, scattering most sounds produced or if struck, no matter how lightly, can produce sound at a magnified echo. It is because of this that smaller gems are often used in the meditation practices and work well when in tandem with magics like cognitism. OOC: Arcanism is a subtype that I am always looking to do more with and I actually miss the required parts of magic RP and the reclusive nature that it sometimes pertained to. This mystical feeling has been largely lost on LOTC’s magic for many so this is aiming to deal with that & set up a ritualistic atmosphere for any current or future Arcanists. First off this takes up a magic slot (though maybe it shouldn’t?) Just like how other subtypes have many different available assets the goal is to give Arcanist’s that same ability without having to break from the mold of being an “Arcanist.” The cost of using these imbued spells is on a one-to-one ratio and each time a spell is cast it requires the use of an imbued mana gem, all of which must be crafted previously with the Prism stone. While mana gems supplement the mana required to cast a spell a mage using celestially imbued gems must use their mana to activate the spell which can vary depending on the gem's size as well as using mana to imbue gems. The Prism stone is a rare artifact that only exists by chance and through an aging process is highly magical in nature. Celestialism deals with learning how to use this stone and all its exotic properties but also the act of imbuing mana gems with its power. Arcanism simply becomes the catalyst for the process and knowledge of it is required to shape spells using celestial gems. Since mana gems are not a craftable item in LOTC it is recommended that rare minerals such as iron, lapis, gold, emeralds and diamonds are used in its place. Their strength going from weakest to strongest in that order. TLDR; Prism stone makes dispensable gems that Arcanists can use for altered, but limited, casting effects. My initial question is should this be apart of Arcanism as a whole, its own subtype like atronach forging or something achieved with the combination of transfiguration and arcanism. I'm mostly looking for feedback regarding this aspect. Written by BrandNewKitten & Charcoal1
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