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  1. B E S T I A * C O N L E C T I A An Owynist Project INTRODUCTION The BESTIA * CONLECTIA serves as the Lectorate of Owyn’s primary source of knowledge pertaining to the profane as it is the culminating product of all other recorded bestiaries discovered by the Third Mission. In addition, the Lectorate of Owyn has seen fit to provide entries and information discovered from personal experience and investigations. The BESTIA * CONLECTIA was designed to facilitate the eradication of iniquitous beings across the continent. The Information provided within is available to all who wish to read it, and the sources for said knowledge are provided thusly. New discoveries shall be added to the BESTIA * CONLECTIA when needed. If one desires a copy of the BESTIA * CONLECTIA, it is requested that they bring their own bindings to the Temple of Ard'Kharyll so that the Lectorate can produce copies accordingly. Currently, there are seven volumes. If one seeks to contribute to the BESTIA * CONLECTIA, they need only inform of us creatures that were left out. CONTENTS Monstrosities Spirits Turned Abominations Necrotics Cryptids Constructs Fairies BLESSED BE THE GUARD WHO IS FORCED TO DEAL WITH THESE ABOMINATIONS! [OOC NOTE: Due to the request of the Administration and our belief in RP, anyone who seeks to use the knowledge within must have access to the BESTIA CONLECTIA in game. Please do not metagame the information provided or cite the forum post as your source; get yourself a copy IRP, it's free! The entries below serve merely as an easy access point for those who already own the texts and don't want to sift through 100+ Minecraft pages for a Vodnik; it is also an advertisement merely to let people know we have copies. Lastly, for any Latincels, it's intentional. EVERYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT IS CONSIDERED OOC!] MONSTROSITIES CAVE LEECH [Poison Type] Description: A leech-like beast which drops down upon unsuspecting targets when in an environment of complete darkness. Some reports assert they’ve bat-wings for flight. Caution: Cave Leeches possess the ability to spew acid with enough potency to render armor useless. Cave Leeches tend to attack in swarms. Weakness: Illuminated Areas, Steel and Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that, when delving in caves, one bring an ample light source in order to dissuade the leeches from attacking. Alternatively, if one sought to brave it, they might find use in Alchemically treated goggles to either enable sight in the dark or to discern the whereabouts of the creature via its heat signature. Cut and burn as needed. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Fergus. COCKATRICE [Flying/Rock Type] Description: A fiercely territorial creature resembling the bastard offspring of a drake and rooster. Their head, long beak and talons appear similar to that of a chicken while their tail and wings resemble a draconic creature. Upon their necks dangles a wattle of flesh which is filled with stone-fluid. Cockatrice varies in size. Caution: A Cockatrice possesses the ability to exhale a thick gray smog which makes stone anything which comes into contact. The beak and claws of the creature are sharp enough to pierce plate armor, and their wings can be used as bludgeons. Steel Weaponry is ineffective in breaking their skin. Weakness: Aurum, Ranged Weaponry, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one engage the creature with a ranged weapon, employing the use of aurum or slayer-steel ammunition. Worthy targets include the eyes, the wing joints and its wattle in order to prevent them from exhaling their breath. It is noted that the best counter to a cockatrice’s breath is to submerge oneself in water until the fog dissipates. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Fergus. CYCLOPS [Normal/Fighting Type] Description: Giant, primitive humanoids with a single eye and intelligence befitting a cave-man. Their clothing of choice usually consists of hides as they lack the technological prowess to properly weave clothing. Highly territorial in nature, Cyclops are prone to great bouts of anger should a descendent trespass into what they perceive to be their home. One can determine whether a Cyclops is in the area by paying attention to the thrashing sounds of shrubs and trees, as well as looking for tracks. Caution: Cyclops possess enormous strength and will use their size to their advantage. They are able to throw large boulders and wield clubs which could easily smash an attacker like a bug. Weakness: Aurum, Fire, Ranged Weapons. Tactics: It is recommended that one initially engage a Cyclops from a safe distance and aim for their singular eye with a ranged weapon. The Cyclops will invariably attempt to use the environment to their advantage and thus it is imperative one remain on the move and not attempt a shield wall. Will’o Bottles have proven effective against these creatures, and will often distract them enough for hunters to close the distance. Aurum is able to cut them - steel has not been tested. If absolutely necessary, Cyclops can be reasoned with and pacified. Source: Lector Activities. ENT [Tree Man] [Walking Tree] [Grass Type] Description: Said to be the spawn of an Elvish aspect giving life to a tree, Ents are towering, ancient and wise tree-like creatures with an attunement for nature. When birthed, these entities are filled with a desire to protect their own kind - that of trees - and will thus act aggressive towards anyone who seeks to harm the forest. They are usually found near sacred druidic groves or ancient trees. Caution: Due to its large size and thick barks, Ents are extraordinarily tanky entities who can crush would-be attackers with ease. Weakness: Axes, Fire. Tactics: When confronting an Ent it would be wise not to engage it with a sword but instead a woodsman axe as, in essence, it is a living tree. In this same vein, the use of flammables to ignite the creature should be effective. Should the Ent employ some kind of magical defense, merely apply Auric Oil to your axe. Source: Elorna Avern. GREAT SPIDER [Magnus Aranae] [Poison Type] Description: A colossal spider possessing potent venom. Their appearance differs depending on the size and genus of the creature. An excess amount of webbing in an area may indicate an infestation. Caution: Due to their increased size, these enlarged arachnids possess great strength, swift speed and durable chitin. They possess the ability to lay insidious traps by spinning their silk. Beware the venom. Weakness: Blunt weapons, Aurum, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one use blunt weapons in order to crush the exoskeleton of the Magnus Aranae. Alternatively, one might choose to use Aurum weaponry to slash and sever the legs of the creature before finishing it off. The underbelly of the beast is vulnerable to attacks; however, you may run the risk of being crushed. Fire via a Will’o Bottle, Flamespitter, Molotov or magicks will also prove useful in crowd control and nest extermination. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Grifter, Lector Activities. HARPY [Flying Type] Description: An ugly bird-like woman with oily flesh and dark feathers. Razor sharp talons adorn their fingers and toes; some have been reported to possess beaks. Caution: Harpies are notoriously aggressive and will attempt to hunt any living creature. They will often hunt in packs and attempt to lift prey into the air before dropping it to an untimely demise. Using their talons, they will seek to attack the eyes, neck or face. It is said that they also possess a cruel sense of humor, and may possibly attempt to toy with a victim. Weakness: Sharp Weaponry, Fire. Tactics: It is suggested that one attempt to keep Harpies at bay using long and sharpened weapons. Due to their oily skin and reliance on nests, it would be wise to set a harpy, or its nest, ablaze with the aid of Will’o Bottles, molotovs or other viable fire-starters. It is said they are deathly attracted to shiny objects; thus, one might be able to set up a trap using a piece of gold as bait. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Falk Irongut. KRUMMAVISUR [Great Raven] [Flying Type] Description: Appearing as a colossal Raven, one can identify the creature via its likeness to the smaller bird and its size of roughly two to three houses. Caution: The primary tactic of the Great Raven is to use their considerable strength to scoop prey and toss them great distances. They will kick the ground in order to draw a cloud of dust to obscure vision. Lastly, they possess the ability to force a man to their knees with the great windy gales they can generate from their mighty wings. Weakness: Sharp Weaponry, Ranged Weapons. Tactics: It is recommended that a party, not a solo-adventurer, attempt and slay the creature. The feet of this creature are said to be vulnerable to easy amputation, thus making it a viable target to strike. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen LEAF APES [Rock Type] Description: A man-sized creature with flesh as hard as stone and bones like concrete. Though strong for their size, they are unable to pierce leather. There are varying reports with regards to their size - some imply that they are small. Caution: Leaf Apes will often claw and bite akin to hellions, and will use their hardened beings to bludgeon its attackers. Weakness: Aurum. Tactics: When using an aurum/slayer-steel blade, one can make swift work of these creatures. An aurum knife and full suit of armor should be prepared in order to engage the creature should it close the distance and attempt to grapple. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Fergus. MAN TRAP [Man-Eaters] [Grass Type] Description: A large plant adorned with a head of verdant jaws which blends in with surrounding foliage. When hunting, they will make use of their large tongues and thorny vines in order to coil about and thrash their prey before reeling them into their razor-sharp maws. They are found often in sunny, open terrain. Caution: Man Traps are virtually indistinguishable from foliage until they attack. They excrete an alluring sap which aids in luring smaller prey, and thus such a scent may indicate when one is the presence of a Man Trap. Weakness: Sharp Weaponry, Fire, Frost, Saffvil. Tactics: Man Traps are immobile and thus the primary danger arises in their vines; a suggested method is to simply throw a Will-o bottle upon the creature or to chop it to pieces. Source: Astmar Grandaxe. MINOTAUR [Normal/Fighting Type] Description: A large abomination of a humanoid which appears the bastard spawn of man and horned cattle. Its head appears similar to the average bull with great horns protruding from the sides of its head. Its legs are bipedal yet, unlike most humanoids, are more akin the shanks of cattle. Caution: Minotaurs possess great strength, speed, and are intelligent enough to use crude weaponry. They will blitz an opponent and attempt to overpower them in a berserker rage. They will tank non-lethal blows with ease. Weakness: Aurum, Sharp Weaponry. Tactics: The key to defeating a minotaur is simply avoiding being charged and hit. It is recommended that one continue to move and whittle down the creature with well placed thrusts towards vital areas. The use of Tanglefoot, Will’o bottles and Acuity Potions will prove indispensable when dealing with these creatures. Source: Lector Activities. SIREN [Mermaids, Sea Maiden, Water Nymph] [Water/Psychic Type] Description: A creature of the sea which takes the appearance of a wondrously nubile woman with large beautiful eyes. They possess slick, smooth skin and long flowing hair. Their skin ranges from murky grey, dark blues and sea greens. The lower half of their bodies are finned akin to a fish, and they have webbed fingers. Caution: Sirens will charm a victim by singing an alluring song and often appear as the woman of one’s dreams to their victim. Behind their closed smile lies a row of razor sharp teeth, akin to a piranha or shark. Weakness: Aurum, Fishnets, Oil, Fire. Tactics: When knowingly engaging a Siren, it is recommended that one bring ear plugs or some other deafening device. As they will seek to charm you from a distance, it is also wise to use a ranged weapon and fish net in order to prevent it from escaping. Plate armor is also useful, in the case you are charmed - it will be difficult for the creature to eat you. Source: Helvetti Bestiary v.2, Yong Ping Siren Attacks. SLIME [Digester, Bloodsucker, Sangbriseur] [Poison Type] Description: An obscene lump of acid which will adopt the idiosyncrasies of their environment. Varying in size, they are most commonly found in wetlands or volcanoes. Caution: Slimes possess regenerative and mimicking abilities. Those slimes who have adopted the traits of volcanic regions will be more difficult to burn, and will likely generate great amounts of heat. In one account a slime was able to take humanoid form in order to pursue its prey. Weakness: Separation and Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one chop a slime to pieces and then burn its remains. Any material left behind will result in the Slime regenerating and the birth of a new infestation. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Vicelin, Fergus. TROLL [Giant, Rockmen] [Rock Type] Description: A large, ugly humanoid commonly found in northern or mountainous reaches and beneath bridges. Trolls have flesh which varies on the subspecies; depending on the type, they could possess soft, hairy, or even rock-like skin. It is our assumption, from various accounts, that trolls tend to act rather child-like and without much cunning. Caution: Their enormous size and weight make them immensely strong, while their flesh may provide unto them greater durability. Weakness: Aurum, Siege Weaponry. Tactics: It is recommended that if one were to hunt a Troll that they bring a party equipped with aurum weaponry; aim for the creature’s legs as their weight will cause them to collapse. If possible, it is suggested that a siege weapon such as a ballistae, scorpion or cannon be utilized. If conflict must be avoided, it is likely possible to negotiate with a troll in order to diffuse their aggression. Source: Helvetti Bestiary v.1, Adeon of Rhoswen. WEREBEAST [Beastmen, Wolfmen, Werewolf] [Normal/Fighting Type] Description: A hairy beast-like humanoid, commonly adopting the likeness of a wolf. Though they can supposedly mask themselves with illusory techniques, they can possibly be identified through their dog-like stench, an excess in hair, aggressive and bold-like behavior, a tendency to be overwhelmed by a strong stench or through the skittering of animals near them. Caution: A werebeast is an exceptionally rare creature whereby little information over the span of centuries has been obtained. It can be assumed they possess heightened senses, strength and powerful teeth. Weakness: Bronze, Aurum, Loud Noises, Strong Stenches, Wolfsbane. Tactics: Very little is known about these creatures, and thus it is assumed that the best way to handle them is to simply keep them at range with an aurum spear, halberd, or other variant pole-weapon. By using particularly strong stenches or flash powder at close range, one can theoretically stun a Werebeast. Sources: Helvetti Bestiary v.2, Grifter, Fergus. SPIRITS HAUNT [Ghost Type] Description: A spirit with blank white eyes who is unaware that they have died. In their minds, they conceive of a warped reality formed from the construction of their memories and delusional thoughts. Haunts will attempt to continue with their mortal life until, inevitably, their veil is shattered as they begin to recognize the signs of their passing. If angered, they may manifest themselves in the physical world as strange noises, voices or physical entities. Caution: Invariably, once a Haunt begins to become aware of their passing, they will evolve into a revenant. Weakness: Aurum. Tactics: A Haunt is a rather harmless spirit as it is unable to interact with the physical world in a meaningful way. Contact with aurum should dispel the entity. It is recommended that one dispel a Haunt before it evolves. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa. REVENANT [Ghost Type] Description: A spirit with blank white eyes who has become mildly aware that they have died. An evolved Haunt, a Revenant possesses the ability to interact with the physical world and has gained the ability to to float and become invisible. Caution: Invariably, once a Revenant is made aware of their passing, they will evolve into a Poltergeist if angered. Due to the newfound ability to become invisible, Revenants will likely attempt to escape confrontation. Weakness: Aurum, Aurum Filings. Tactics: It is highly recommended that one deal with a Revenant before it gains the requisites to evolve into a Poltergeist. Utilizing mana-detecting oculars may aid in tracking a revenant should turn invisible, though this has not been tested. One must put aside their empathy in order to aid the Revenant in passing before becoming a danger to others. Contact with aurum should dispel the entity. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa. POLTERGEIST [Ghost/Psychic Type] Description: A Revenant who has been made absolutely aware about their death and who has become malevolent as a result. They can be identified by their reddish coloring and pitch black eyes. At this stage, they become extremely hostile towards living beings and will begin to terrorize civilian populations, Caution: Poltergeists have completely mastered their ghostly powers and have even gained the ability to perform telekinesis. Weakness: Aurum, Aurum-Filings, Exorcism. Tactics: It is recommended that one force a Poltergeist to manifest physically with the use of Aurum filings or Aurum bolts. One should adorn themselves in armor due to the tendency for Poltergeists to throw objects, both blunt and sharp, at would-be assailants. Contact with aurum should dispel the entity; if this fails, one must perform an exorcism. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa, Fergus. SPECTRE [Ghost/Pyschic Type] Description: A Revenant who has been made absolutely aware about their death yet has taken it blissfully. They can be identified by their bluish coloring and blank white eyes. At this stage, they become rather passive albeit mischievous. Caution: Although normally harmless, Spectres do possess mastery of their ghostly abilities - only using them for pranks at worst. Weakness: Aurum, Aurum-Filings, Exorcism. Tactics: If combat can be avoided, it is recommended that one aid the Spectre in finding a way to rest. If they refuse to leave this plane, however, one must be willing to dispel them with aurum regardless of their friendly and passive nature. Forcing them to dispel with Aurum should make swift work of the creature if they do not attempt to escape. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa, Lector Activities. AUGUR [Ghost Type] Description: A spirit akin to specters albeit composed of a yellow ichor-like substance. They are created should an individual be truly devoted to Yeu Rthulu and her Thirty Strictures. They levitate, on average, roughly one and a half feet off of the ground. Caution: Augurs are normally armored in plate and are completely immune to fire and electricity while in their spectral form. They possess the ability to manifest into their previous descendent body. Weakness: Unknown - Aurum dispels any spirit. Tactics: Currently, it is unknown whether these spirits are weak to Aurum but it is likely. Should one be forced to engage an Augur, it is recommended that one attempt to use Aurum or use potions while they are in their descendent form. Augurs are reportedly amicable and are impossible to anger; thus, conflict may be avoidable. Source: Revion Tahtron, Siol. LANTERN-HEAD [Ghost/Ice Type] Description: Necrotic, spectral beings which roam the frozen wastes at night. Their faces are an illuminated bright light, blue in hue, with no notable features. As they pass, one might hear incoherent whispers in their mind. Once felled, they will transform into a corpse made of pure ice. Caution: Lantern-Heads, when alerted to someone’s presence, will blind anyone in the surrounding area - even through the cover of one’s hands or clothing. They possess the ability to conjure the arcane and throw spells as weapons. Weakness: Aurum. Tactics: It is nigh impossible to defeat a Lantern-Head conventionally due to the blinding light they emit. The best chance of defeating one is to cover your face with a shield and thrust at it with an aurum weapon from the side. If no suitable barrier is available, it is best to try and remain hidden. Source: Lector Activities. WRAITH [Ghost/Dark Type] Description: A spirit bound to this plane by the trauma of their death and an item of particular importance/unburied corpse. Most wraiths appear as the spiritual remnants of female figures, rotting and bound in rags. Signs that one has encountered a wraith is to determine whether the area you are in has life which has aged to dust, no life at all, or exists in complete silence. The figure of the wraith will appear as floating a few inches off the ground. Caution: Wraiths possess claws powerful and sharp enough to shred plate armor. They are incorporeal unless made manifest with the use of aurum filings/weaponry. Wraiths hold regenerative properties and will eventually reform after temporary dispellation; it requires a banishing ritual to pure permanently. Weakness: Aurum, Aurum Filings, Ranged Weaponry, Ritual. Tactics: It is recommended that when one seeks to engage a wraith they employ aurum filings to force the creature to become corporeal and then finish it off with aurum weaponry. The best defense one can employ is to simply not be hit by the creature. After dispelling it temporarily, one must locate either the corpse or the item significant to the wraith. Wrap and douse it with a flammable mixture containing 2 parts refined oil, 1 part aqua vitae, 1 part camphor; add cleansing herbs - sage, rosemary, wormwood and mandrake. Burn the items and summon the wraith once more by shouting the name they held in life; dispel them once more to banish them completely. Source: Grifter. TURNED ABOMINATIONS BRYOPHYTE [Plant Person] [Grass Type] Description: Very characteristically a humanoid that is also a plant, green hue and all. Bryophytes were once descendents the same as any other yet were transformed by Druidic sorcery. Once transformed, they will retain the appearance of their former life with the caveat that they are now composed of flora rather than flesh. Innately pacifistic, Bryophytes will usually only become enraged should they observe someone destroying nature or its creatures. They are usually amicable. Caution: Despite their frail and peace-loving nature, Bryophytes are able to adeptly master the druidic arts bar Shamanism. Weakness: Sharp Weapons, Fire. Tactics: Ultimately a Bryophyte is merely a descendent that is also a plant. They can be felled normally as one would any other man or woman. Hacking a Bryophyte to pieces or setting it ablaze is the surest way to ensure its demise. Source: Horren Cottonwood. DARK-STALKER [Sword Lich] [Dark Type] Description: A being transformed through necromantic ritual which involves the transference of one’s life force to an object known as a phylactery. Differing from the Lich, Dark-Stalkers opt for a swordsman’s methods and adorn themselves in armor. They will often appear as a corpse or a skeleton. Caution: Despite being swordsmen by choice, Dark-Stalkers possess the ability to wield powerful magicks. They are stronger than the average man and usually possess centuries of combat experience, making them rather adept swordsmen. One account claims that a Dark-Stalker was able to drain their opponent’s life energies; though, it may be the result of other magicks. They will never tire. Dark-Stalkers will reform due to their phylactery unless destroyed. Weakness: Aurum, Blunt Weapons, Divine Magicks, Destroyed Phylactery. Tactics: When engaging a Dark-Stalker, it is recommended that one not do so alone and prepare as if one were intending to defeat an armored opponent. In order to temporarily defeat the creature, the attacking party must penetrate a Dark-Stalker’s armor in order to reach the body beneath with aurum weaponry; blunt weapons may aid in the destruction of a Dark-Stalker’s armor or in the shattering of their frames. Decapitation will ensure its temporary defeat. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that a Dark-Stalker will hide their phylactery on their person or even in their lair; regardless, it is imperative that one atleast search for the object so that it might be destroyed. Source: Feanor. FROST WITCH [Ice Maiden] [Fjarriauga] [Dark/Ice Type] Description: A woman who has rejected their humanity in order to become empowered with the properties of Ice and Frost. Much like Sirens, they will take the form of elegant young women (masking their haggardly state) in order to lure prey. They can be discerned via chilled breaths, sharp teeth, frequent perspiration, distaste for males and a favorable view of the cold. All Frost Witches belong to a coven, led by a “Witch Mother”. Should this Witch Mother perish, the Frost-Witches of that coven will lose their powers as well. Caution: Frost Witches are adept illusory magicians and will likely mask their traits to the common descendent. It is said, however, that if one were to see through their illusory tricks then that Frost Witch would be obliged to offer a reward. Weakness: Aurum, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended, when investigating a Frost Witch, that one not look for their signs but instead for evidence related to murder and disappearances involving them. Illusory magicks may lead you in circles, and thus it is recommended that you anchor yourself in the truth of how they react to testing. When cut, they will bleed a slush-like substance regardless of their magicks. They are magicians and can be disposed of as any other necrotic mage. If one possesses alchemically treated Heat-Goggles, one might be able to determine if their core is warm or not. Source: Helvetti Bestiary v.1, Ikail the Witchunter, Gallidron Elindrow, Anya. KIJO [Dark Type] Description: An Eastern vampiric yokai created when a woman consumes the fruit of an evil blood tree. In their true, bestial state, they appear to have razor sharp teeth, grey skin and yellow eyes. They take the form of the woman they were prior to transformation when disguised. In most cases, suspects tend to be either haggardly, old or single women with a great fondness for children. Caution: Kijo, supposedly, attempt to make deals with descendents in order to harvest blood or achieve some twisted goal. Do not make deals with Kijo. They are completely immune to traditional weaponry. Weakness: Aurum, Fire, Dismemberment, Offerings. Tactics: When engaging a Kijo, one must ensure that that they do not strike a deal with it else they may be enthralled or killed. The primary method of dealing with a Kijo is to dismember its being and store its remains in burning pyres akin to standard vampires. It is said that offering the lost spirit of a child (Haunt, Revenant, Spectre) to a Kijo will cause its banishment; this is unconfirmed. Source: Nanako Hirano, Lector Activities. LICH [Dark Type] Description: A being transformed through necromantic ritual which involves the transference of one’s life force to an object known as a phylactery, causing them to become entities reliant on arcane power. They are extraordinarily power hungry and hold great hatred for those who might act as an obstacle. They often appear as a corpse or skeleton in robe-like attire. Caution: Liches are cunning, ancient beings which have devoted many years towards the strengthening of their magical capabilities. Liches will reform due to their phylactery unless destroyed. Weakness: Aurum, Divine Magicks, Destroyed Phylactery. Tactics: When dealing with a Lich it is recommended that one use Aurum weaponry in order to destroy their fragile bodies. It is suggested that one employs the use of Auric Oil in order to potentially dispel magical attacks. Decapitation will ensure its temporary defeat. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that a Lich will hide their phylactery on their person or even in their lair; regardless, it is imperative that one atleast search for the object so that it might be destroyed. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen, Siegmeyer of Cepa. VAMPIRE [Vampyre, Strigoi, Blood Drinker] [Dark Type] Description: Likely the result of ritual, Vampires were once normal descendents who’ve since transformed into necrotic beings with an insatiable thirst for blood. Though appearing as normal descendents, they are often gaunt with pale flesh. Caution: Vampires have been reported to utilize thralls as minions and magicks to float and cast evil spells. They maintain the ability to transform into a bestial state, appearing similar to that of a humanoid-bat. It is said that they possess speed far greater than any Man and strength greater than the fiercest Uruk. They can also regenerate, even after supposed death. Weakness: Aurum, Salt, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one utilize numbers to overwhelm a vampire and employ Tanglefoot potions in order to slow them down. Aurum/Slayer-Steel weaponry is necessary in order to halt regenerative properties; following their defeat, one must separate pieces of the carcass and keep them in an open flame in order to prevent them from reforming. To test a vampire, one must cut open the flesh of a suspect and then add salt to their blood. These creatures will feel immense pain and will likely forcibly transform into a bestial state. Source: Helvetti Bestiary v.1, Grifter, Lector Activities, Dame Tavisha. NECROTICS BOGGEN [Dark Type] Description: A dark, slender being averaging around seven feet in height. Their faces appear twisted and wrinkled not dissimilar to the creases found in tree bark. Their eyes are crimson and they possess long, sharp teeth and claws. Adorning the center of their chest is a power gem which gives them life. They are found in dark areas with fog, commonly on battlefields or within shallow graves. Caution: Boggens are pack hunters who will generate fog in order to disorient and separate attackers. Their claws are sharp enough to cut through leather with ease. Weakness: Aurum. Tactics: It is recommended that one aim for the center of their torso so that one might destroy their life gem. In order to prevent becoming overwhelmed, one should engage Boggens with a well disciplined and armored party. Ocular devices which can detect mana may prove useful in their projected fog. Source: Otto Wittenbach. FLESH PIT [Dark/Bug Type] Description: A mass of rotting viscera lodged comfortably in the ground with tendrils that are able to shoot out in an attempt to grapple and devour prey. Should a descendant become afflicted with its harbored parasites and perish, they will be added to the mass of the Flesh Pit. At its core lies a beating heart which, upon destruction, kills the creature. Caution: Flesh pits are extraordinarily tanky and can easily take on numerous opponents at once. Flesh Pits possess the ability to summon bug-like minions which can tear at armor and spew acid. They can infect a descendent if they burrow into the base of one’s skull. Weakness: Explosives, Sharp Weapons, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one acquire a party and attack from numerous angles with the intent of burrowing into the pit itself so that its heart might be destroyed. The use of blasting potions on the heart is essential as to ensure that it does not regenerate or reform. Source: Lector Activities. GIBBERER [Dark/Fighting Type] Description: A necrotic being formed from a mutated and plague-bearing corpse. Infected individuals will appear insane and are adorned with hives. Once the infected individual dies, their body will rapidly mutate into a Gibberer. Bone-Blades protrude from their hands and they’ve razor sharp teeth. Their innards are on display for all to see. Caution: Gibberers are highly aggressive and possess the strength to dent and even pierce plate armor. They use their bone blades to scale walls with ease and will hunt nearby afflicted to spawn more of their kind. Aurum and Holy Magicks have no effect on the creature. Weakness: Fire, Conventional Weapons. Tactics: When combating a Gibberer, plate armor is a must to ensure that you are not torn to shreds instantly. It is highly recommended that one use fire to eliminate these creatures, either through enchantment, heat oil or Will’o bottles as they have been proven to be highly flammable. It is recommended that one aim for the torso or disable its limbs in order to defeat it conventionally. Source: Lector Activities. MORGHUUL [Ghoul] [Dark Type] Description: A soulless undead creature raised through necromancy with the sole purpose of serving its master. In order to retain their strength, they must feed upon living beings; if they do not feed they grow weak. They are commonly found adorned in light-weight attire due to their lacking strength. Caution: Although a Morghuul can be felled, their deaths are by no means permanent; as long as they hunger, they will rise once more and hunt. Morghuuls do not suffer from pain or mental anguish. Weakness: Aurum, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one aim for a Morghuul’s head with Aurum weaponry in order to slay it swiftly. Alternatively, one might ignite it with a Will’o bottle. It is recommended, after the fact, that one totally cremate its corpse so that the time of regeneration, if even possible, is extended greatly. It is unknown whether cremation will prevent a Morghuul from rising once more. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa. NECROPHAGE [Zombie, Skeleton] [Dark Type] Description: Simple roaming undead with either a fleshed or skeletal appearance. They possess strength equivalent to a grown farmer or greater. They frequently roam about areas of frequent fighting or malice. Caution: Necrophages are invulnerable to pain and will continue attacking until they are destroyed. In packs they grow exceptionally dangerous. Weakness: Aurum, Fire. Tactics: Necrophages are standardly simple creatures to destroy; using aurum one can make swift work of these necrrotics as one could any man. aim for the neck or head. Ultimately, if engaging a horde, it is best to use fire as a means of crowd control. Source: Adeon of Rhoswen. VODNIK [Drowner] [Dark/Water Type] Description: A parasitic creature spawned by profane magicks. The parasite (vodnik) will invade a corpse (drowner) which has been left in water, causing it to mutate into a slimy and green necrotic. They possess sharp claws and teeth. They can be found roaming river banks or dwelling underneath the banksides or in caverns near a river. Caution: Vodniks attack in packs and possess the ability to paralyze men with potent venom which can be transmitted via their claws and teeth. Prolonged exposure to this venom can lead to organ failure, sepsis and likely death. Avoid confrontation in water. Weakness: Aurum, Blunt Weapons, Fire. Tactics: Vodniks are incredibly fragile creatures; thus, it is recommended that one simply cleave with long aurum blades in order to make swift work of Vodnik packs. Conflicting accounts say that the parasite of a Vodnik is located in the brain or in its heart; either way, the destruction of the parasite results in the destruction of the creature. Treatment for venom, as there is no known cure, includes leeching and disinfecting of the area. Source: Siegmeyer of Cepa, Fergus. CRYPTIDS BIG-FOOT [Magna Pede] [Normal Type] Description: A large and hairy ape-like creature with huge feet and a taste for ribs. Discovered in the Southern forests of Almaris, this creature acts relatively benign and appears out of curiosity rather than malice. Normally, it flees when approached by others. There has not been a recorded violent encounter with this creature. Caution: Due to its size, it can be assumed that it possesses great strength and may use its feet to stomp and crush any attackers. Weakness: Fire, Aurum, Sharp Weaponry. Tactics: Should Big-Foot become violent, it is recommended that one attempt to ablaze his fur with any means of ignition. If this does not make the creature flee, it can likely be felled through conventional means. Should one seek to locate Big-Foot, the use of alchemically treated heat goggles may aid in locating it through camouflage and flora. Source: Lector Activities CHUPACABRA [Capra Comedenti] [Dark Type] Description: A Hyspian legend which details small, patchy and canine-like necrotics who hunt domesticated creatures in the night. They’ve crimson eyes and thin spikes which protrude out from their spine. It is believed that they are feral vampires as farmers reported that they discovered their fallen livestock to be drained of all their blood. Caution: Much like other Vampires, it can be assumed that Chupacabras have heightened reflexes and strength. Due to their comparable size to a dog, it is likely they can hide in places we humanoids cannot. Chupacabras can likely regenerate akin to a vampire. Weakness: Aurum, Fire, Salt. Tactics: When hunting a Chupacabra, it is recommended that one leave livestock out as bait so that one needn’t search the creature. Once lured, you can throw a net at the beast or shoot it with aurum weaponry from a safe distance in order to disable it. Once slain, keep its carcass in an open flame so that it will not regenerate. Source: Padre Paco de Mantequilla MOTH-MAN [Hominem Lepidoptera] [Bug Type] Description: A pitch black humanoid with great moth-like wings and glowing red eyes. It appears randomly at night, usually in forested areas. Farmers have reported livestock disappearing whenever this creature is spotted. Caution: Like most airborne creatures, it will attempt to use altitude to gain an advantage over its prey by scooping them up into the air and dropping them. Additionally, its black figure gives it camouflage in darkness. Weakness: Aurum, Ranged Weapons. Tactics: When engaging Hominem Lepidoptera, one must anticipate its flight paths and use aurum projectiles in order to shoot it from the sky. At night this becomes especially difficult and thus one is recommended to use alchemically treated goggles or to track its glowing red eyes. If one has enough time for preparation, they may find use in a net or tamed Magnus Aranae in order to trap it. Source: Ard’Kharyll Archives SKINWALKER [Pedestrem Pellem] [Dark/Ghost Type] Description: An undead, shamanistic being with red eyes who is able to take the form of various creatures and men. Other sources indicate that they are parasitic beings which possess fresh corpses and use bodily mutations to morph them into any form they desire. Caution: Skinwalkers possess great morphing capabilities, and thus they may attempt to disguise themselves with local wildlife to evade hunters or morph into deadly beasts in order to kill them. Weakness: Aurum, Fire. Tactics: When dealing with a Skinwalker, it is recommended that one deal with their forms on a case by case basis and defeat it conventionally. Leopold of Marna indicated that in order to defeat a skin-walker, one had to destroy the parasite. Applying auric oil onto one’s weapon may or may not disrupt their ability to mutate as it has yet to be tested. Source: Ard’Kharyll Archives, Leopold of Marna. WENDIGO [Dark/Ice Type] Description: Towering and gaunt humanoids with glowing eyes. Usually, they appear as antlered bipeds with legs akin to a deer or horse. They are most commonly found in icy plains and forests, and will usually make their presence known through a chilling howl/cry. Caution: Wendigos possess the ability to conjure ice, blizzards and fog. Weakness: Aurum, Fire. Tactics: It is recommended that one use aurum or slayer-steel weaponry when engaging a Wendigo, preferably from some distance. The application of Flame Oil onto a weapon or the throwing of Will’o bottles may also prove useful in igniting and burning the creature. It is recommended that one prepare warm clothing prior to entering the icy wastes. Source: Ard’Kharyll Archives, Ando Alur Library, Lector Activities, Fergus. YETI [Nix Simia] [Ice Type] Description: Large and hairy ape like creatures with white fur and sharp claws found in Northern and snowy reaches. They are rather muscular and howl wretchedly when their territory is impeded. Caution: Yetis possess extraordinary strength for their size and will likely attempt an ambush. Weakness: Fire, Aurum, Sharp Weaponry. Tactics: When encountering a Yeti, it is best to prepare a means of igniting the creature’s fur as it will frighten them and force them to act defensively. From there, one can engage them as they would any other bipedal creature until they are felled. Source: Ard’Kharyll Archives, Lector Activities. CONSTRUCTS ATRONACH [Steel/Varying Elemental Type] Description: Creatures made of metal, harnessed from the void and paired with a type of voidal evocation. Their color, size and shape varies depending on the tastes of its creator. Regularly they must be recharged with more mana at a focal point. Caution: Atronachs possess the ability to cast spells as any descendent can, if not more powerful due to their voidal nature. These spells will be dependent on the type of evocation they are bound to. Weakness: Auric Oil, Blunt Weapons, Elemental Weakness. Tactics: When confronting an Atronach, it is highly recommended that one make use of Auric Oil. Though blunt weapons are viable when struck against their core, Auric Oil acts as a direct abjuration to voidal enchantments and spells and will likely dispel the Atronach in a few blows. Source: Lector Activities, Quentin Brae. DREAD-KNIGHT [Dark/Steel Type] Description: A highly malicious animated suit of armor bound by blood runes. They are filled with an unquenchable hatred for Descendents and will hunt until put down. Caution: Dread-Knights possess incredible strength and are nearly impossible to truly incapacitate as there exists no body to harm. Weakness: Aurum, Blunt Weapons, Grappling Hooks, Lined Harpoons. Tactics: When confronting a Dread-Knight, it is highly recommended that one form a posse equipped with blunt weapons and harpoons so that they can bludgeon, hook and peel the creature’s armor. Should aurum make contact with their runes, they will become inert. It should be destroyed completely in a high heat location, such as a volcano or forge. Source: Ando Alur Library, Fergus. GOLEM [Rock Type] Description: A large humanoid construct dotted with runes. They can be made of any inanimate material and will have varying designs and colors dependent on the tastes of their master. At their center lies a magegold core which acts as their power source. Caution: Golems possess immense strength and relative invulnerability; they are great allies and terrifying foes. Weakness: Auric Oil, Blunt Weapons, Great Falls, Immense Heat and Watery Depths. Tactics: It is recommended beyond all other strategies that one coat their weapon in auric oil as it will enable the wielder to cut through Golems like a knife through warm butter. It is imperative that one aim for the magegold core in order to destroy the construct. If auric oil is unavailable, it is recommended that one chip away at the construct with blunt weapons and/or lure it into pit traps. Sources: Adeon of Rhoswen, Grifter. HUNTERS [Stone Construct] [Rock Type] Description: Akin to a specter yet adorned with armor, it is said that Hunters are rogue golems who were programmed to hunt dangerous magi. They’ve since changed the parameters of their hunt to any who wield magic, regardless of morality or intent. Caution: Upon death, a hunter will explode and send shrapnel flying in all directions. Weakness: Aurum, Blunt Weapons, Auric Oil. Tactics: It is recommended that one use blunt weapons to bludgeon a Hunter if they’ve no Auric Oil or aurum on their person. Auric Oil, in conjunction with Half-Swording, should make swift work of the creature and may even dispel the creature from exploding. Aurum weaponry has also been noted to weaken the creature Source: Adeon of Rhoswen PALE-KNIGHT [Rock/Ghost Type] Description: Bluish-Green golem-like necrotics which consist of a soul bound to a suit of stone and eternal sorrow. They are created when Mystic magicians sacrifice a live soul and transform it into a large stone which is then adorned with armor. Caution: Pale-Knights are said to possess strength equivalent to that of an Olog and are golem-like in nature. As such, it is best to avoid direct confrontation lest one wish to be overpowered Weakness: Aurum, Blunt Weapons, Auric Oil. Tactics: Due to their stone-bound armor, it is uncertain whether aurum itself can harm a Pale-Knight unless the exterior is penetrated to reveal the spirit within. It is recommended then that one coats an Aurum weapon (Spear/Arrows/Bolts/Longsword) with Auric Oil in order to disrupt the constructs mana akin to a golem. If neither is available, the best method would be to bludgeon and chip away at the construct. Source: Ludwig FAIRIES BEASTFOLK [Cervitaur, Satyr, Sylvian] [Normal/Fairy Type] Description: Hybrids of beast and man who are empowered by the Fae Realm. There are many varieties of Beastfolk and they can be identified by the type of animal they resemble. Cervitaurs have the body of both elk and man, antlers protruding from their heads. Satyrs have the torso and face of a man while having the hooves and horns of a goat. Sylvians are squat beings with sheep-like features. Minotaurs are elaborated in the Monstrosity section as they are the most violent. Caution: These creatures are often pacifistic in nature or are little more dangerous than the average man. It can be assumed that their animalistic bodies may provide them with advantages in terrain, speed or power should they attack. Weakness: Pacts, Music, Food, Traps, Conventional Weapons. Tactics: Due to their benign nature, one can usually form a pact with these creatures. For both Cervitaurs and Satyrs one can earn their fellowship through the playing of music. Sylvians, on the other hand, can be tamed with offerings of food or booze. They can be slain by conventional means. DRYAD [Grass/Fairy Type] Description: An elven woman who heeds the call of the Fae and has merged themself with a tree that was grown to be hers. Caution: A Dryad functions similarly to a Bryophyte, and thus it can be assumed that they possess the ability to cast druidic spells and/or control the flora around them. Weakness: Fire, Axes, Auric Oil. Tactics: It is recommended that one simply attempt to ignite a Dryad with some sort of flammable, preferably a Will’o Bottle or spell. Alternatively, one might use an axe (coated in Auric Oil for maximum effect) in order to chop it to shreds. Source: Seer Barley. GNOMES [Pixies, Fairymen, Dwedlings] [Fairy Type] Description: Believed to be the spawn of the fae realms, dwarves or even fungi, Gnomes are reportedly mischievous and miniscule creatures who conduct pranks on descendents. Caution: Although rather harmless, gnomes are often mischievous tricksters who will attempt to deceive you and/or pester you to madness. They may orchestrate your demise and make it appear as an accident. Weakness: Totems, Mallets. Tactics: It is said that in order to ward a Gnome from pestering one’s property one must secure an owl totem upon their roof as gnomes will mistake it for a genuine bird of prey. Should one locate a gnome, however, a mallet or the bottom of one’s boot may prove indispensable in eradicating the creature. Source: Helvetti Bestiary v.1 IMP-FOLK [Imps, Gremlins] [Dark/Fairy Type] Description: Magical and enigmatic sorcerers of the Fae realm who wield powerful and alien magicks. They pass between realms upon nights with a full moon in hunting parties; those they capture are rarely seen again. They target the young and innocent. Caution: Imps have bizarre interpretations for exchanges; for instance, if someone were to admonish their child an Imp may believe they were willing to trade them away. If one looks an Imp in the eyes, it is said that they will submit to the Imp’s control. Weakness: Traps, Auric Oil. Tactics: Ultimately, it is unknown how to properly deal with these magical creatures. It is said the best way to handle them is to capture them and defeat them in a challenge; should this be accomplished one should garner their favor. Auric Oil may prove useful in dispelling their magicks with the assumption they’re mana-based. Source: Seer Barley. KELPIE [Water/Fairy Type] Description: A beautiful and mythical steed with a rear of an aquatic creature. They can supposedly be summoned by casting a golden rod and hare into a lake. They are predators, although it is said they can become eternally subservient if one were to steal their saddle. Caution: Kelpies will entice strangers to ride upon their backs with the aid of Fae spells. Once mounted they will return to the water so that they can submerge their rider and calmly drown them. Weakness: Nets, Sharp Weapons, Auric Oil, Ranged Weaponry. Tactics: Much like dealing with a Siren, it is best to deal with a Kelpie in a party by preparing a summoning ritual and trap. Once the creature emerges, cast your net upon it and defeat it conventionally. It is imperative that one prevent their comrades from mounting the creature. Source: Seer Barley. LEPRECHAUN [Draiochta] [Fairy Type] Description: Wish-granting Faes of short stature and schemes. It is said that they have nigh-divinity or are perhaps the avatars of the aspect’s children. Leprechauns, if one were to serve them, are said to grant boons and wishes and are commonly found after summer rains. Draiochta are the evil variant and will feign benignness for one’s servitude and eventual betrayal. Caution: It is near impossible to determine which variant of the creature one is encountering; this said, they cannot tell a lie and it is wise to heed everything they say as potentially deceptive or literal. Weakness: Wit, Traps, Auric Oil. Tactics: Leprechauns are dangerous purely due to their ability to outwit descendents. Overall, the best way to deal with these creatures is to ignore them. If one is forced to attempt to defeat them, a course of action would be to attempt and outsmart them or to trap them. It is unknown whether conventional weapons will be able to harm them - however, Auric Oil could act as a direct abjuration towards any strange spells they might cast. Source: Seer Barley. SPRIGGAN [Grass/Ghost Type] Description: A tree spirit bound to protect the place or grove from which they were grown, summoned by and subservient to a Druid. Oftentimes they display high aggression towards those who would seek to disrupt their peaceful home whereas they will be passive towards those who respect it. Caution: It is likely they can cast druidic magic and control nature. Weakness: Aurum, Axes, Fire, Auric Oil. Tactics: Much like any other spirit, Aurum will likely have an effect. Coating one’s axe in Auric Oil may also prove useful in dispelling the creature. Flame has not been tested, but like most natural creatures it can be assumed fire would have an effect. Source: Seer Barley. TREE-LORD [Grass Type] Description: A Druid who has succumbed to the Fae and has since become one with the wilds; they transform themselves from mortal to fairie. Should they be slain, it is said they will regrow in the coming spring. They are normally consumed by madness Caution: Tree-Lords can be assumed to have knowledge of Druidic spells. Their flesh has become wood and they have since achieved immortality, making conventional weapons rather useless. Weakness: Fire, Axes, Auric Oil. Tactics: Although described as pacifistic, one can remove a Tree-Lord temporarily by chopping them down through conventional means; though, they may simply regrow. Burning would prove useful against their wooden flesh. Source: Seer Barley. UNICORN [Licorne] [Fairy Type] Description: An extremely rare and magical pure white steed which has a singular twisting horn adorning its forehead. It is said they are drawn to young women with pure, incorruptible virtues. Caution: Unicorns may possess magical abilities via their horn, and may gore would-be hunters with a well-placed headbutt. Weakness: Sharp Weaponry, Auric Oil. Tactics: A unicorn is merely a magical horse and thus one only needs to locate it in order to slay it. Should the legends be true, it may be prudent to locate an unsuspecting and pure woman and observe her until a Unicorn makes an appearance - implying it would ever make one. Auric Oil may be useful in dispelling the creature should it possess combative magicks. Source: Helvetii Bestiary v.1 WOODLAND FAERIES [Fairies, Sprites] [Fairy Type] Description: Childlike creatures believed to originate from the Fae world, Faeries dwell within the woods of the Descendents and cause mischief wherever they go. They are said to possess the ability to make themselves invisible. They are said to be found in clearings during dawn. Sprites, in turn, are found at dusk. Caution: Fairies and Sprites, although not malicious, are a threat to young children who are easily lured and awe-inspired by magicks. Sprites, in particular, may lead a child away from home using a trail of flowers and leave them in the woods to perish unknowingly. Weakness: Loud Noises, Sage. Tactics: It is said that sage provides a potent stench which wards Fairies from entering one’s household; windchimes may generate a jarring sound to the distaste of Sprites. Ultimately, they are too small and discreet to combat effectively. One may attempt to trap them with a jar. Source: Helvetii Bestiary v.2.
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