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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: using things that you character doesnt know but what you know to do somthing in roleplay
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Doing somthing to someone without someone allowing you to it
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: christian
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: Christian is a 21 year old human with black hair and bad posture.
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Hey, thanks for applying LotC! I'm Skale and I'll be working with you through this application process. Sadly, I cannot quite accept you yet, however you are not outright denied. There are a few things you have to fix up in your application and once you've done so, I'll be able to properly judge your application. Do not fear, you have 24 hours to make the necessary changes to the application before it is denied. What requires changing will be found below:

  • Your descriptions are both rather far off base. Go ahead and take a look at the rules again, or even feel free to google the definitions. They are rather easy to reword into your own definition. Just ensure you do not plagiarize. 
  • I would suggest reworking the application to implement a bit more grammar and such. It makes it a lot easier to review.
  • Please add anywhere from 1-3 lore references to your backstory, that way I know you've familiarized yourself with the server's lore.

Once these changes are made, I can go ahead and review it once more. If you require any assistance, don't be afraid to message me, friend. Below you will find some a helpful link on getting started in LotC!

LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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Alrighty bud, you're almost there! I only require you to make the following changes:

  • Edit your definitions of metagaming and powergaming. You are pretty close with powergaming, but it needs to be expanded on. However, your definition of metagaming isn't quite right.

Do not fear, you still have twenty two hours to make all the appropriate changes, so do not feel rushed.

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Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


After careful consideration and review of your application, you've been accepted! Good work on making your edits in a timely manner. And thank you for remaining respectful while staying in contact with me. It's not always easy to do this sort of work, so keeping a level head definitely goes a long a way! Within the next few minutes your application and account should be whitelisted, aka you'll be able to hop on the server and started roleplaying! Once more I'd suggest hopping into the LotC New Player Discord if you haven't done it yet. Below I will also link the LotC Public Discord, so you can start building friendships in our little community. Good luck man and have fun!

LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

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