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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Jay_<3#1183
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: I'd define metagaming as letting the outside world influence the in-game world in a way that doesn't make sense in-game to get an advantage. Having your character know things that don't make sense in character, but that, you, the player know because of outside sources.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is making your character unrealistically powerful or invincible. Having them be able to defeat foes by sheer will or performing feats not realistically possible by the character formerly established.
    Status: Accepted

Ava looks at him for a moment, caught off-guard by his question. After an awkward few seconds of silence she stammers out an answer

"Uhhh, I dunno. I heard you've got a lot of libraries and all kinds of citizens walking around. I'm looking for a job and a place to call my own.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm starving! Can you tell me where to find some good food?"

Character Name: Avandria aka Ava
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Ava is a bit short and slim built with light brown skin, sky-blue eyes and dark-brown hair. She likes wearing casual clothes and loves green.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! So now, I welcome you to the wonderful community of LotC!

To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me?



 If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [Joshua#2340]. I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg JoshBright to find me in-game. If I’m not around you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord

You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow CT members can help you that way too!

Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it!

New player hub

Have fun role playing! :D

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