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  1. JayHeart


    Ava was raised by her father in a little cottage in the woods. She never knew her mother and her father didn't like talking about her. The last time she asked about her mother, he told her that she hadn't been ready for a family, so she left. Her father took her to the nearest village every week where they bought groceries, sold her father's carpentry and spent time together, but most of her early childhood was spent at home, where she'd spend her days reading books and drawing or helping her father gather wood to make furniture out of. She was also an only child. The closest thing she had to a sister was her older cousin that lived a few miles away. But when Ava was eight, during the inferi war, a fire burned down the forest she, her dad and her other family members lived in and they were forced to flee. Her uncle, aunt and cousin sadly didn't make it. So, with a heavy heart, the two elves moved into town, her father set up a proper carpenter's shop and Ava was able to go to school and seek an education. She grew up rather introverted and had trouble making friends due to her nieche interests and forgetful nature. Shortly after finishing school she took up a job at her local library where she sought to learn more about ancient elven. One of her childhood dreams was to learn magic, but she didn't have much hope of that ever happening. After she turned nineteen though, her father got sick, so sick that he had to give up his carpentry shop and stay at home. It was one, long year of struggling before her father ultimately passed away and Ava decided she just couldn't stay anymore. So she moved across the sea and settled in Celia'nor, hoping for a fresh start. What she didn't expect was for her to find someone who looked awfully similar to her childhood best friend and 2nd favourite family member, her cousin.
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