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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Meta-gaming is using information that cannot be known inside of the roleplay. Such as dying and going back to where you were killed immediately for revenge.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power-gaming is using unrealistic roleplay in order to win a roleplay situation. Such as stating that you have convenient magical wards that prevent any damage to your person.
    Status: Accepted

Alden stops in his tracks and eyes the well-dressed gentleman who has just spoken to him. He slings the heavy pack off his shoulder and drops it to the ground with a heavy thud. He takes a moment to survey the port as he takes a pipe from his pocket and lights it, taking a few puffs before answering the man. “I’m not sure what business that is of yours” he says, “however... judging from the way you’re dressed and your happy demeanor I’m guessing you’re just a busybody.” 


He finishes smoking his pipe and empties it out upon the dock before placing it back into his pocket. He then slings his heavy pack and adjusts it onto his back. As he steps by the well-dressed gentleman he stops, looks him in the eyes with a steely gaze before saying, “But to answer your question.. adventure.” and then Alden walks confidently away, leaving the gentleman standing there. 

Character Name: Alden Thunderstone
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: Alden is dressed in a brown/black cloak with a hood. Sword strapped across his back. He is 6'2, green eyes, brown hair and approximately 220lbs.
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You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord [TwistedFries#1055] once you have made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.


  • Your Character Biography appears to be very well written, however, I would recommend you to remove the two lore pieces about ‘Vectra’ and the ‘Aarlan Wood Elves’ and replace them as one is outdated and the other doesn’t seem to be within the LotC Wiki.
  • Your Character Name does not seem to be original as It’s from LOTR- Lord Of The Rings, I would recommend going to find a different name and make sure not to plagiarise anything.

    You can also join our New Player Discord- Where you can ask questions to our Community Team and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums or through my discord [TwistedFries#1055] for any questions and concerns.  
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Welcome to LotC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should now be automatically white-listed on the server. Should there be issues with your white-listing please contact me on discord at [TwistedFries#1055] or over the forums.


If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and ask for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise, just ask for assistance becoming acclimated to LotC! You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


  • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and to ask our Community Team Member for assistance or any questions you might have.
  • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LotC and roleplay itself.
  • Since your Character is a Human, we encourage you to read about the Human Nations and Major Charters that might be affiliated. In addition, check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

    Should you need help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at [TwistedFries#1055]. You can also issue
     /creq [message] on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.
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