Ascella would look towards the gentleman after hearing him address her then took for a moment, examining him but then she replies saying "No just a simple wanderer passing through. Do you know of a place where I can stay for the night?"
The gentleman would nod pointing to a near by tavern "That is the place you wish to go miss". He'd say sounding polite "There are two rooms available last I heard."
She would give a nod of thanks and say "Thank you for the assistance". Then she turned to walk towards the Tavern though she paused as she turned to the gentleman again and asked "Do you know if there are any Adunians here?".
The man would tilt his head in a bit of confusion at the question but give a slow nod "Yes I think there might be a few".
Ascella would release quiet sigh to herself and give a final nod of thanks before continuing on her path to the Tavern. Putting aside her thoughts of being disapproved of and started to hope there would be others in the Tavern who could tell her about this city
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