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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of character sources or behavior to alter the rp immersion
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Emoting to other players without giving them a chance or time to respond or react agaisnt an emote. Forcefully changing the other players hand by overpowering them via emote
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Drewman the Wise
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 77
Physical Description: Forest Dwarf
5' ft tall
240 Ibs.
Green Eyes
Amber hair.
A scar over his left eye and eyebrow
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review


  • Your Powergaming definition seems to be on the right track, but is incomplete. Please refer to this wiki page for LotC’s definition of Powergaming, and then please rewrite what you have written to include all parts of the definition, and be sure to do so in your own words.
  • Your Backstory/Biography is too short. Please add a few sentences to it.
  • Your Interesting Facts is lacking a unique negative characteristic. Please rewrite one of them to be negative in nature.

Please make the above corrections, and contact me on discord at Lukariatias#7126 once having made these fixes so that I can re-review your application. You only have 24 hours to make the requested changes before receiving a denial. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on discord. Additionally, you are welcome to join our New Player Discord if you haven’t done so already as to meet with existing community members and staff members.

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Welcome to LotC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically white-listed on the server. If there are issues with your white-listing please contact me on discord at Lukariatias#7126. If you’d like in-game guidance or assistance of any kind, feel free to contact any member of Community Staff via discord, the forums, in-game via messages, or through our ticket system by typing: /creq <desc>. You are welcome to join the New Player Discord to meet with current players, new and old. Additionally, you are encouraged to read our New Player Guide, a resource full of information about role-play, mechanics, and staff structure.

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