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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: EpicAthena16#1119
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: "Breaking the fourth wall" or playing out of character, such as using information learned out of character while in character when you have not actually gained that information in character.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Using unfair or "godly" actions to get what you want in game.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Fraeya Galanodel
Character Race: SNOW_ELF
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 56
Physical Description: A young elven woman with light blonde hair that reaches her lower back, pale blue eyes, and light alabaster skin.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review



As you can can see, you are almost done! I just need you to change a few things



your definitions of meta and powergaming are rather vague. please rewrite them with the help of the following link. Don’t copy the definitions exactly tho



you’re missing another lore referral in your biography. in the wiki link below you can find more lore. this can be nations, history or events.


your character facts should be full sentences


If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

 I also recommend you looking over the wiki so you can find good lore to include in your application ?




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Welcome! as you can see, your application has been accepted, you did a good job making it!


Please do /creq can I get a tour?

so a community staff member can give you a tour of the server and explain the general commands and rules.


If you need any more assistance you can contact me on the forums, through discord or in-game! My discord is (chaos#7283) and if you find me on the server, you can simply do /msg chaosgamer_. I strongly suggest joining the new player discord as well in case you need assistance or advice from other players or staff members → https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

I also recommend reading the new player guide!


If you need any help from another community member, you can do /creq (message) on the server ?AjTm9a1frrN5B18au_qbN9xUHUPuTiUdUG2Na7ihjesNaOzGeGqbnjVXhGW_S1H9d5HVRSWiZEjnyX-h7M0VeB8DcHBn32aef0IhsUa11V1uNnxBoYUNYol-XKiZs34eWZYvvYUW



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