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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Meta-gaming is using information from the ''real'' world in game
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power-gaming is performing actions that are beyond the realistic limits of a character's action and/or enforcing actions unto others
    Status: Accepted

‘’This man looks like he could be a friend or even help me with my quest’’ I think to myself before answering the man’s question. ‘’Hello Sir! I’m here in hope to find a small job and maybe earn a couple of coins to buy a house around here.’’ I reply smiling. ‘’Oh and I almost forgot, I’m Tobias, nice to meet you sir!’’ I say as I reach out to shake his hand. ‘’Would you mind giving me a small tour of the city?’’

Character Name: Tobias Kidd
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Physical Description: He has short brown hair and green eyes. He wears a red gambison and some plate armor, he has brown pants and boots. He is 5'11 and is in good shape.
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Hello there! At this time your application has been placed on,


For reasons such as:


Ø Your powergaming definition is vague, please fix this. You can review our wiki page about it here!  

Ø Your biography lacked the other sufficient lore reference (You need two. This can be settlement names, creature names (creatures that are unique to LOTC not your generic dragon or trolls), other major events that are explained in depth), however races, nations names and vaguely conveyed facts are not sufficient lore reasons. Make sure these match up with your age and the current server year of 1767. Some places you can look for references are, you can also PM on disc and I can help find more than the listed here ((Also make your biography a smidge longer)): 

Ø Land is not traditionally given out in Haenseti-Ruska, and is reversed only for nobility, which you cannot apply as without permission

Ø Your appearance does not match up with LOTC standards, we require this to ensure quality rp. If you’re having trouble with this check out the skin archive found here! Or ask in the discord ((Noise shading))


Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.

The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to it when making changes. You can also join our Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.  Taking a look at the new player guide here will also help you


You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044) or by /msg (Evonpire) in-game for any questions or concerns.

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Hello there! At this time your application has been placed on,


For reasons such as:


Ø Morsgrad and Norland are the same place, just different names at different times. Perhaps you should do some digging in the Morsgrad sub-forum?

Ø The Ashen Legion is a recent organization, it was predated by “the Martyrs”


Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.

The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to it when making changes. You can also join our Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.  Taking a look at the new player guide here will also help you


You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044) or by /msg (Evonpire) in-game for any questions or concerns.

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Hello there! At this time your application has been placed on,


For reasons such as:


Ø Morsgrad and Norland are the same place, just different names at different times. Perhaps you should do some digging in the Morsgrad sub-forum? ((This is referring to the end of the bio)).


Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.

The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to it when making changes. You can also join our Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.  Taking a look at the new player guide here will also help you


You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044) or by /msg (Evonpire) in-game for any questions or concerns

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Your application has been:



On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there’s any issues with whitelisting or something similar.


Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our Discord, which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server, Ask me on discord for a invite (Evonpire#0044) or the one in the message above. Check out our New Player Guide!


I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044), or by /msg (Indoren) in-game. Feel free to also contact me on discord (Evonpire#0044) if you need any sort of starter help.




No up to date Norlandic resources


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