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Praise the Sun
  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: The use of outsider information, that your character would not know under normal circumstances, to sway the events of roleplaying that create an unfair advantage.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Using emotes that would not be naturally possible for any character, and leaves no room for other characters to either counteract or constructively roleplay.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Faendal
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 97
Physical Description: Standing at 5'9", with deep red hair tied into a braid, sitting at the centre of his back. Dirty yellow eyes, with seemingly ashen tan skin.
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Hello, welcome to Lord of the Craft! Great application, I only require a small, simple fix from you. If you can do that for me, you'll be accepted onto the server in no time. If you require any help, feel free to get into contact with me or any other member of the Application Team and we will be more than willing to help. You will find what needs to be edited below!

  • Your interesting facts section requires a fault! That's it! Add one little tidbit that would be considered a fault, to add a bit of depth to the character, and you're good to go

Below you'll also find some helpful tools to integrate into the community. It can be difficult to settle into a community that's been around for seven years now, however there are players who are more than willing to help. I would definitely suggest joining the LotC New Player Discord, as it's full of hardworking and dedicated veterans of the server, who want to see you enjoy your time here.


LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

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Wonderful! I appreciate the quickness in which you edited your application! You've been accepted, I now properly welcome you to Lord of the Craft! Don't be afraid to use the sources I've linked you already to find your place within the server and carve out a little piece! Either way, welcome! Your application shall be implemented and you should be able to log onto the server within the next few minutes. If you require any further aid, please feel free to PM me further.

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