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Thomas Kel
  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Tommaso#3638
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: To avoid in-game powergame you would simply avoid doing unreal things that I couldn't actually do in real life.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Becoming aware of information not through the game could influence your behavior in roleplay and maybe bring disadvantages to other players
    Status: Accepted

You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

((How do you respond?))

(This is the edited version just like you asked, sorry for wasting your time)
There once was a guy called Thomas 'Kel' Kelrius, he was born in a poor family in a country full full of suffering ruled by a ruthless Emperor who would kill those who were not in his full service. His family couldn't afford food for months and after a couple months, the Emperor decided to raise the taxes and it was an huge problem for him and his family, Since they couldn't afford to pay taxes, his parents were publicly executed and he was sent to a military academy along other childrens who had a tragic story like mine. They learned alot in the academy for example how to survival in the middle of a forest and combat skills like killing an individual with their own hands. But they didn't forget what the Emperor did to them and as soon as they would have the opportunity, they would take our revenge.
As time went on, they began to become the strongest soldiers until they became royal guards of the emperor. One night, while the emperor was sleeping, Thomas organized an ambush to capture and execute him but it was not so easy, there was a ruthless fight between Thomas along with his friends and the other guards. Fortunately, Thomas and his friends won even if they lost some of their men. The next morning they announced that they would execute the emperor in the square in front of everyone. they tied the robe around his neck while he kept begging them to have mercy "Please, i'm doing everything i can for this kingdom, have mercy, i'll do better next time"; before killing him, Thomas and his friends punched him just to make him suffer before dying, after opening the trapdoor under him, he began to suffocate at that moment Thomas realized that with his death they would not be able to have their families back, so they decided to help every city in danger they would encountered. Together they won many battles until a group of bandits attacked them at night while they were sleeping, set fire to their tents and Thomas was the only one who managed to escape. While the other bandits escaped one fell down so Thomas took the moment to capture him, Thomas unsheaths his longsword and says: "Don't move! or i kill you with my sword in the name of lord god!", the bandit was scared and alone he had no chance to survive. Thomas took him to a nearby kingdom where thanks to the help of some guards they managed to get some informations from him about his organization and members. Not many weeks later Thomas discovered that a nearby village has been attacked and razed to the ground. While going to visit that villaged he saw some survivors including a 6 years old boy whose parents had have been killed in front of him. He tried to comfort him and told him a phrase that his father once said to him: "In life there are those who fall and stay on the ground and those who get up and fight for their goals, no matter how many obstacles or losses there are their goals never go and i say never abandoned without having at least tried" after this sentence the child stopped crying and said: " what happened to his father" he replied: "He is now realizing his goals from up there". The next day him and 7 volunteers left for the camp which the prisoner told them about. They started attacking it at 3 AM and managed to kill many of their comrades, until they left the leader alone, we didn't want to kill him so we just made him starve to death. After this Thomas kept travelling to look for other populations and villages that needed help.

"Well... this was mine.. history" stammered, tense". You look at the news, then back out of the tent. For a moment, the air thickens with trepidation, until...

Character Name: Thomas 'Kel' Kelrius
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 25
Physical Description: Black eyes, brown hair, Robust build, Worn hands, Weight 72kg, Height 1m and 86cm
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has been set to Pending for now, as we found some areas that need revising.

Don’t worry though - once your changes are made, you’ll be back on track to roleplaying with us in no time.


- Please make sure to mark out what your character is saying with quotation marks.


- Please make sure to use actions in your backstory/roleplay scenario.


- When talking about your character’s actions, remember to use 3rd person.


You have 48 hours to make these changes.

Once your changes are complete, please reach out to me on the forums @Amayonnaise. You can also click on my name here to find my profile.


 If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance:


Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive help from other players with your pending application.


If you need more ideas, or to research more roleplay lore, feel free to check out the Wiki:


If you still need help, make sure to check the New Player Hub:

New Player Hub

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Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC.

The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 

To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; 

/creq Can a Wilven come assist me?


 If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance:  


Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk.


Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC:

Settlement Guides

Nations & Major Settlements


Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it:

New player hub

Another New Player Guide 


Have fun role playing!

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