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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is referencing outside information through your character even though your character is not supposed to have knowledge of this.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is making a character perform an action that is not possible by normal standards or not giving them a chance to respond to your emote (example, Stabbing someone immediately without giving them a chance to counter roleplay
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Halfar Dashkov
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 83
Physical Description: my character has a smooth grey skin with red eyes and white hair like the clouds in the sky you see that he is quite strong from the way his body look
Screenshot of Skin:

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4 minutes ago, jimsel said:

I bet this gets approved ? Intresting character (I’m not staff, just another one awaiting approval)

thanks ?


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  • Your powergaming description seems to have been cut off too early.
  • Your character story, while it does contain lore, only contains such right at the very end. I’d ask you try and incorporate a few more mentions of lore within the story.
  • Perhaps consider a second name. Characters with only first names are cliche, in a way.
  • Your character facts are overly positive. Remember that you need a positive, neutral and a negative.
    • Being afraid of spiders is borderline negative.
    • The first two are positives. You need to think a little more deeply on them.

Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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Good changes. 


Remember that if you do wish for your character to enact revenge, then to keep an eye on the rules for power gaming and vilianous rp. 


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